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Yusra dressed as a doctor in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa. Photo: Sam Tarling/Oxfam

Good sanitation means more girls in school

On her way to school, Yusra negotiates the toxic human waste that lines the streets. The sanitation crisis in her home — the Mukuru slum in Kenya — means residents are forced to use pit latrines and plastic bags as their toilet. The threat of disease lingers every where, but the implications of poor sanitation for young women and girls are particularly complex. Read more »
Photo: Perou/Oxfam

A life-changing, life-saving toilet

In Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, almost two million people live in informal settlements or ‘slums’. Water and sanitation facilities are completely inadequate, disease rates are high and poverty is rife. Amy Christian travelled to the Mukuru slum in Kenya and discovered how one innovative toilet is saving lives and changing them for the better. Read more »
Close the Gap. Photo: Bonnie Savage/OxfamAUS

Aboriginal health equality is possible by 2030

Today is National Close the Gap Day, an important day to make your voice heard. With adequate funding, Aboriginal health equality is possible by 2030. Join the thousands who today, are demanding Indigenous health equality within a generation. Read more »
Tereza stands outside her home. Photo: OxfamAUS

“Life here is tough, but small things can make a big difference”

When Amy Christian visited Mozambique, she met Tereza and her family. Tereza is the sole provider for her family and finds it difficult to provide for her family not knowing where the next meal will come from. Read her experiences and find out how you could change someone’s life. Read more »
Photo: Max Bastard/Oxfam AUS

How can clean water provide an education?

Dirty water can cripple a community. Waterborne diseases mean children will miss school, and collecting clean water would take hours from a school day, every day. But now, with easy access to clean water, students at Dingizwe Hight School have more time for education. Read more »
Photo: Max Bastard

How a “tippy tap” can save a life

What is a “tippy tap”? Well, as you can see in this video, it’s an ingenious device that Oxfam use all over the world to promote hand-washing and good health and hygiene. It’s a simple construction of three sticks holding up a jerry can. A piece of string and a fourth stick make a foot […] Read more »

Yolanda is a very clever child – she knows how to do beautiful things

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Kids can really surprise you. Like when they do something you thought was impossible. When visiting our projects in South Africa recently, we found that a little girl named Yolanda who saved her entire family from disease — using just four sticks and a plastic container. Read more »

The life-giving effects of clean water

Thanks to supporters just like you, Sineth now has the opportunity of planting and maintaining her own vegetable garden. This means fresh, healthy food for her and her children. Read more »