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Behind the Brands Update: General Mills; the making of a climate leader

After two months of campaigning, we are thrilled to announce that General Mills (the makers of Old El Paso and Latina past) who were once ranked last on climate change policies on our Behind the Brands scorecard has committed to become a true climate leader. How? By setting targets to reduce emissions, participate in real […] Read more »

Growing food in a changing climate, Vanuatu comes to Australia

Vanuatu. An idyllic paradise in the South Pacific, where thousands of Australians go each year to bask under the sun in balmy breezes, snorkel through vibrant coral reefs and enjoy gourmet food. But for Shirley (Oxfam) and Mala (CARE International in Vanuatu), Vanuatu is home, and behind the covers of the glossy holiday brochures lies […] Read more »

ANZ shirks human rights responsibilities in Cambodia

On 5 July we heard that Cambodia’s Phnom Penh Sugar – a company implicated in various human rights abuses including forced evictions, food shortages and child labour – has suddenly repaid its loan to ANZ. ANZ now claims that it has no responsibility to support justice for affected communities, despite financing a notorious sugar plantation […] Read more »
Photo: Dustin Barter/OxfamAUS

Lives you’ve changed in Laos

With your support, our six year program in Phoupieng Village, Laos, helped the community lift itself out of poverty. As we celebrate 25 years of work in Laos, we trace Phoupieng’s journey of lasting change. Read more »

It’s crunch time for climate change

No company is too big to listen to its customers.  When enough of us speak out, companies listen. Last year more than 400,000 of you called on companies to do more for women in their supply chains. They listened. Then you spoke up about land grabs in companies’ supply chains. They listened. Now we need […] Read more »

Fancy yourself as a bit of a closet designer?

Our trusty friend the air conditioning unit can’t be the only solution to combating climate change. The stark truth is that climate change is happening now, and it’s making the world hot and hungry. Yes friends climate change has a direct effect on…Food glorious food. But we need decent weather to grow the stuff – […] Read more »

ANZ’s feeble response on the back of bumper profits

In response to the allegations made in Oxfam Australia’s report, Banking on Shaky Ground, the ANZ bank has responded with a disappointing series of feeble denials. In the face of specific and well substantiated allegations of support for companies that are land grabbing, providing inadequate compensation and employing child labour, the ANZ has replied saying […] Read more »

The big four banks and land grabs: be heard on social media

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Is your bank involved in land grabbing in some of the poorest communities overseas? Oxfam’s report, Banking on Shaky Ground, details four case studies involving each of the big four banks; these outline personal stories of those affected by land grabs. We have stories from across the world, including nineteen-year-old Christophilda who lives in Turubu Bay […] Read more »
CAN members and allies including Friends of the Earth GCCA, Greenpeace, Oxfam and WWF, plus Japanese groups Kiko Network and CASA, call for world leaders to take action against climate change. Copyright ©Greenpeace/Jeremie Souteyrat

Five critical things we learned from the latest report on climate change

Leading international experts on climate change, the IPCC, have presented their latest report on the impacts of climate change on humanity and what we can do about it. It’s a lengthy report, so we’ve shrunk it down to Oxfam’s five key takeaways on climate change and hunger Read more »
Photo: Simon Roberts/Oxfam

Climate change is making people hungry

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Our guest blogger is Yeb Saño, Climate Change Commissioner for the Philippines. He’s seen first-hand the devastating effects of climate change: “Typhoon Haiyan devastated my country. Thousands of people perished and millions more lost their homes and livelihoods. My own family witnessed the storm up close. Today, millions of my people live in damaged homes and continue to rely on emergency relief to survive. “ Read more »