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Cyclone Pam and climate change

Meeting the global climate challenge: What would a fair contribution from Australia look like?

In December, the world will come together to finalise a new global climate agreement. Well before negotiators land in Paris to hammer out the details, countries must announce their provisional targets for the post-2020 period, when the new agreement will take effect. Read more »
Battle of the Brands

Battle of the Brands: the annual scorecard update

Twice a year, Oxfam takes a look at publically available information on the agricultural sourcing policies of the top ten food and beverage companies. We assess how well the top 10 companies are performing on our seven themes: transparency, women, workers, farmers, land, water, and climate. Want to see how your favorite brands did? Read more »
Photo: Phillippe Metois

Sendai: why the fight to reduce disaster risk is more important than ever

Just days after the President of Vanuatu almost broke down as he spoke of the devastation that Tropical Cyclone Pam had inflicted upon his nation, the mood is bittersweet at the closing of the Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in Sendai, Japan. Read more »

Sendai Update: Will the World’s New Disaster Risk Reduction Deal Be An Empty Promise?

What do you call a plan with no agreement on how to finance it? In the US government, the nasty epithet for such a thing is an “unfunded mandate.” In other spheres, there are simpler descriptions: incomplete, incoherent, and irresponsible. Read more »
International Women's Day. Photo: Annie Bungeroth/Oxfam

Women leading the fight against climate change

Climate change affects us all, but it often impacts women the hardest. In many parts of the world it tends to be women who grow the family’s food, fetch fuel and water, and bring up the children. It’s women who are most likely to be in harm’s way when disaster strikes. So when clean water becomes harder to find during a drought, or when crops are destroyed by floods, it’s often up to women like Ipaishe to find solutions. Read more »
20–25 typhoons will impact The Philippines every year. Photo: Caroline Gluck/Oxfam

Disasters are increasing on a global scale

As natural disasters are increasing globally in both frequency and impact, Oxfam’s work in vulnerable countries like The Philippines has become even more critical. According to the World Bank, every dollar invested in preparing for natural disasters now can save seven dollars in recovery costs in the future. Read more »
Lilia Malinao, 72 years old. Photo: Tessa Bunney/Oxfam

Lilia is prepared for the worst

Vulnerable communities in The Philippines are struggling to cope with increasingly unpredictable and extreme weather. But, thanks to your support, women like Lilia (pictured) can have an amazing impact. Read more »
Photo: Tessa Bunney/Oxfam

Help Josephine prepare for disaster

Like eight in every ten families in The Philippines, Josephine’s has been impacted by natural disaster. After a tornado struck one night her family lost their crops and livestock- everything they were depending on to get through the months ahead. But this wasn’t a one-off event. Josephine lived through three natural disasters in the following five years. Read more »
Photo: Nic Maclellan/OxfamAUS

Powering up against poverty: coal fired power is not the solution

Emissions produced from burning coal for power are the single biggest driver of climate change. And climate change is a major threat in the fight against hunger. If Australia truly wishes to help bring low-cost energy to the world and build a bright economic future for itself, it’s time we stopped exporting dirty coal and promoting it as a false solution to poverty. Read more »
Photo: Percy Ramirez/Oxfam

2014 the hottest year globally since records began

Recently NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced 2014 as the hottest year globally since records began. A staggering 14 of the 15 hottest years on record have all occurred since 2000. With 2015 set to be a defining year for international action on climate change, it’s now Australia’s turn to step up. Read more »