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Righting two wrongs…

So far the media interest in the Tianjin talks has been, well – lackluster – but like many of these conferences before – you never really know until the minute you are there. This one will hold a bit of a special place in the history of Climate Change talks as it will be the first climate negotiations being held in a Chinese city. Read more »

A day of optimism and anger

Things are stirring at the Tianjin climate negotiations. Participants are getting impatient. The Australian delegation is getting impatient. The lead negotiator from the US, publically declared his impatience in a speech that bordered on anger. I think many in the room sympathised with him. Read more »

From blue skies to haze

This morning I had the opportunity to speak with a senior negotiator from a different delegation to Australia. When I asked about progress he was tight-lipped. After a few moments he paused and said “well, you can think of it this way, there were blue skies yesterday… but today we can’t see far at all because of the haze”. I think the negotiator was correct in both literally and metaphorically. Read more »

Waiting for a mandate… Send the Australian delegation your climate fortune

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It’s the opening day of the climate negotiations in Tianjin, China. As I am writing this, the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC Christiana Figueres is giving her opening address to all the nations of the world. She just said “Now is the time to advance the search for common ground…It is in no one’s interest to delay action”. Read more »

Hear Ursula’s story of climate adaptation in the Pacific

We’d encourage you all to go along to this Australian Conservation Foundation night of inspirational stories from Ms Ursula Rakova from the Carteret Atoll in Papua New Guinea, accompanied by wine, music and comedy. Read more »

Pressure is mounting – add your voice

This is an exciting time for climate change campaigning in Australia. Send a clear message to our new Minister for Climate Change, Greg Combet, that the government’s renewed mandate for climate action must not be squandered. Read more »

A season for change? China and the new frontier in Australian climate politics

Climate Tracker Phil looks at Australia’s position in the lead-up to the next climate negotiation session in Tianjin, China. Read more »

Blog Action Day 2010

We’re exited to be taking part in Blog Action day 2010 – on Friday 15th October we’ll join with thousands of bloggers around the world to collectively talk about: Water. Read more »

Shipping news: What do Oxfam and David Hasselhoff have in common?

What do Oxfam and David Hasselhoff have in common? Answer: Not much. But today Oxfam activists dressed up in Baywatch costumes to deliver a strong message to delegates of the International Maritime Organization meeting. Read more »

Meet the UN Climate Tracker Insider, Phil Ireland

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Meet the UN Climate Tracker Insider, Phil Ireland, as he explains the game plan for the next few months of international climate change negotiations and talks. Read more »