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Photo: Rodney Dekker/OxfamAUS

Mexico here we come

In the lead up to the UNFCCC in Cancun, Mexico the issue of climate change is not getting much media attention. With the first agreement period of the Kyoto Protocol due to run out in 2012 it is time that countries of the globe reach a new and binding agreement. Read more »
Photo: Rodney Dekker/OxfamAUS

Rights and responsibilities of climate change

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Politicians love to talk about individual rights and responsibilities – you have the right to welfare if you need it – you have the responsibility to get a job if you can – is the general sentiment of modern Australian governments – and the vast majority of us would say fair enough. Read more »

Faces of Climate Change: Sahena’s story

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Sahena Begum is a force of nature in herself. She is an inspiring community leader from Bangladesh and the feature of this week’s Faces of Climate Change short film. Watch her story. Read more »
Photo: Ami Vitale, courtesy:

Bangladesh climate hearing: the people speak out for justice

On November 8, 2010 Oxfam supported local partners to bring together communities from all over Bangladesh, along with climate and legal experts, to look at the impacts of climate change, with a focus on the coastal fishers’ community in the Bay of Bengal. Read more »

Funding safe climate futures for all

In less than a month the major United Nations climate change conference of 2010 will commence in Cancun, Mexico. Many eyes will be on the negotiations as governments from around the world try to find common ground on key issues to keep the negotiations moving forward. Read more »

The faces of climate change: Vietnam

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Should rich high greenhouse gas polluting countries provide funding, above their existing aid budgets, to assist poor communities adapt to climate change? With the support of local development organisations and the government, the people of Bac Ai in Vietnam have invested in new ways to manage their access to water, and are planting different crops which can survive with less rain and are more resilient to changing weather patterns. Read more »

The faces of climate change: Henry

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Henry has a long history with Clayton, South Australia – he and his wife were the first residents there. Over the past few decades they have watched the town grow up around them, but at the same time they have witnessed the effects as the mouth of the Murray River has gradually dried up. Read more »

The faces of climate change: Martina

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In north-eastern Uganda where Martina Longom lives, the weather has never been perfectly predictable, but in the last few years it has become increasingly unreliable. As impacts from climate change worsen, Martina and her community are finding new and innovative ways to cope and build their resilience. Read more »

Countries at threat from climate change

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A new study has been published today, showing those countries most at risk from the effects of climate change. Read more »

Does inequality lead to inactivity?

The latest UN Climate Change Conference in Tianjin has fallen short of expectations, as did the COP-15 in 2009. And as will future negotiations based on the current hesitation of the world’s leaders, if we don’t act now as a global community to inspire ambitious and fair change. Read more »