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Palestinian Territory, Occupied: Children and their families are returning to their homes or the remains of their homes to check the status of their homes. Photo: Alef Multimedia Company/Oxfam
Photo: OxfamAUS

December 12, 2009

What is Australia doing? Watch a video update on day 5 of the negotiations

With all that is going on I thought we should hear from a friend from the Global South. Watch this...

Photo: OxfamAUS

December 10, 2009

Guest Blog: Tuvalu demands real deal

Today, a guest post from the Australian Youth Climate Coalition on the people of Tuvalu, one of the most severely...

Photo: OxfamAUS

December 7, 2009

As we go to Copenhagen

After months of anticipation, I am finally in Copenhagen. The question on everyone’s mind is: ‘will Copenhagen result in a...