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Palestinian Territory, Occupied: Children and their families are returning to their homes or the remains of their homes to check the status of their homes. Photo: Alef Multimedia Company/Oxfam
Photo: OxfamAUS

August 10, 2011

Make your own submission to the carbon price legislation

The Government have allowed a small window for community input into the Carbon Price legislative process, and we've put together...

Photo: cc licensed Alex Schlotzer

August 10, 2011

Stepping up! Australia, a price on pollution and you

Since the government announced its plans to put a price on pollution it’s been hot a topic of discussion. Lots...

The price on carbon pollution explained in around 2 minutes.

July 29, 2011

A price on pollution in Australia: How will it work? Who will pay? Will it help protect our planet?

The landslide of facts and figures, questions and retorts since the announcement of Australia’s plans to put a price on...

Lighter Footprints

July 19, 2011

How to live well with a price on carbon

What does a carbon tax mean, why do we need one, and how can households reduce its impact? Find out...

24 Hours of Reality - brought to you by The Climate Reality Project.

July 14, 2011

24 hours of reality

On September 14, a new project from Al Gore is attempting to create 24 hours of reality over climate change,...

Image courtesy Say yes

July 12, 2011

Carbon Pricing: Domestic legislation, global ramifications?

Watching Sunday’s announcement of the carbon price legislation, our Climate Tracker Clancy felt relieved that Australia is finally taking action...

Photo: OxfamAUS

July 11, 2011

Carbon price will help Australia catch up with international action

The Government’s proposed carbon price legislation, announced yesterday, is a good start to help Australia to catch up to international...

Photo: Oxfam

June 24, 2011

UN Climate talks show the importance of local action on climate change

Tracking the two weeks of talks at the UN Climate Change negotiations in Bonn, we've seen some positive signs emerge....

Photo: Oxfam

June 17, 2011

Bonn climate talks – reflections from a first time tracker

Amazing, frustrating and truly inspiring. That's how our UN Climate Tracker Clancy Moore describes the UN climate talks currently underway...

Paddy Cullen, (left) Oxfam's WA state Campaigner with Barry Haase

June 15, 2011

Head Banging for Climate Change

Oxfam's WA campaigner Paddy Cullen recently ran into Liberal MP Barry Haase in an airport lounge. The conversation over climate...

Photo: Cara Bevington/OxfamAUS

June 15, 2011

Your messages of support handed to Mark Dreyfus

Last week, we delivered your message of climate action to Mark Dreyfus, Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change.

Photo: Oxfam

June 14, 2011

Updates from the UN Negotiations in Bonn

The UN climate talks are still going strong on Bonn, as our intern Elsa Dominish explains.