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The female food heroes of Indonesia – part 7

  HELP SAVE LIVES Right now Oxfam is responding to emergencies around the world, including the recent earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia. Donate now Locals could almost run faster to market By Juan Martorana – blogging from Indonesia Lewoleba — one of the main villages on Lembata Island — is a long way east of […] Read more »

The female food heroes of Indonesia – part 6

  HELP SAVE LIVES Right now Oxfam is responding to emergencies around the world, including the recent earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia. Donate now How the “less prosperous” farmers live By Juan Martorana – blogging from Indonesia In a country of 240 million people, in which 110 million are of working age, and 40 million […] Read more »

The female food heroes of Indonesia – part 5

  HELP SAVE LIVES Right now Oxfam is responding to emergencies around the world, including the recent earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia. Donate now Gotong Royong: the secret to a fast harvest By Juan Martorana – blogging from Indonesia So how does one female farmer harvest around 1,250sqm of rice in just two hours? “Gotong […] Read more »

You Spoke. Mars and Nestle listened.

Here’s an Easter treat for chocolate lovers: proof that no brand is so big it can ignore its customers. A month ago Oxfam launched Behind the Brands with a call to “change the way the food companies that make your favorite brands do business.”  In just a few weeks thousands of tweets were sent to […] Read more »

The female food heroes of Indonesia – part 4

  HELP SAVE LIVES Right now Oxfam is responding to emergencies around the world, including the recent earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia. Donate now The disaster, the muazin and the fried grasshopper By Juan Martorana – blogging from Indonesia This post should be titled “disasters”, plural, not disaster, singular. The last couple of days have […] Read more »

The female food heroes of Indonesia – part 2

  HELP SAVE LIVES Right now Oxfam is responding to emergencies around the world, including the recent earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia. Donate now Oxfam Australia’s Juan Martorana – blogging from Indonesia Sixty-five per cent of Indonesia’s food is imported, including its main staple, rice. Over a series of events around Jakarta, the seven female […] Read more »

The female food heroes of Indonesia – part 1

  HELP SAVE LIVES Right now Oxfam is responding to emergencies around the world, including the recent earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia. Donate now Oxfam Australia’s Juan Martorana – blogging from Indonesia How does a country with almost half the population living on less than $2 per day feed itself? I don’t know yet, but […] Read more »
Photo: Rodrigo Ordonez/Oxfam

The female food heroes of Indonesia – part 3

  HELP SAVE LIVES Right now Oxfam is responding to emergencies around the world, including the recent earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia. Donate now Oxfam Australia’s Juan Martorana – blogging from Indonesia Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 So what have I learnt so far in Jakarta? Surprise, surprise: there is no one solution […] Read more »

Pacific warriors

Malo ni! My name is Mikaele Maiava. I’m writing from the Pacific Island archipelago of Tokelau to tell you about a global action against the fossil fuel industry. Last October, Tokelau turned off the last of its diesel generators. In their place, we switched on our solar plants, making Tokelau the first country in the […] Read more »

A hot world is a hungry world

After years on the increase, food prices in Australia have recently been falling, according to New Limited analysis published on 7 January. Among the key factors, researchers cited the ‘nomalising’ of fruit prices after their sudden rise following natural disasters in Queensland and Victoria. Sadly, this reassuring news came before the record heat wave claimed […] Read more »