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Oxfam is now working on some exciting cyclone recovery initiatives including partnerships with disabled persons’ organisations and community-based women’s groups in Shefa province.

When disaster strikes for people with disability

People with disability already face many barriers to enjoying equal access and inclusion in society. So in the face and aftermath of disaster and conflict, people with disability are particularly vulnerable. Read more »
Photo: Abo Haitham

Yemen: the crisis you didn’t know about

Noor* and her husband once had a medical clinic in north Yemen, along the border of Saudi Arabia. Now they have a mound of rubble. Yemen is undergoing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. One in two people in Yemen — nearly 13 million people — are now struggling to find enough to eat. Of that number, half of them are on the brink of starvation. One family shares their story. Read more »

Liberia officially declared Ebola free. What happens next?

A year ago Liberia recorded its first case of Ebola. In the months that followed, the country would experience the highest number of Ebola cases and deaths. But in May 2015, Liberia was officially declared Ebola free. There is hope for the people of West Africa – but survivors now face a new challenge. Read more »

The spirit of Vanuatu: 3 months since Cyclone Pam

About three months ago, Oxfam Vanuatu Country Director Colin Collett van Rooyen, opened his front door in Port Vila not knowing what to expect. Category 5 Tropical Cyclone Pam had torn through Vanuatu’s capital just hours before. Today, he reflects on Oxfam’s recovery efforts and the incredible spirit of the people of Vanuatu. Read more »
Nepal earthquake donations

Nepal’s mountain guides helping Oxfam deliver aid to remote villages

In the last month two large earthquakes and more than 100 aftershocks have devastated Nepal. Thousands of survivors are now without homes — and with the monsoon season around the corner — Oxfam’s top priority is to deliver shelter and emergency aid as soon as possible. Read 9 stories of survival. Read more »
Photo: Abo Haitham

Ongoing violence in Yemen pushing country towards economic collapse

With the escalation of conflict in Yemen now in its second month, the country is now in the midst of an unfolding humanitarian catastrophe. Water supply systems have been heavily damaged, food prices are spiralling out of control, and more than 300,000 people have been displaced. Oxfam program officer Bassim describes how the crisis has changed his life. Read more »
Photo: Eleanor Farmer/Oxfam

Making common sense of the Protection of Civilians

In 2012, Oxfam Australia commenced a project with Dr Phoebe Wynn Pope and the Australian Civil-Military Centre to deepen understanding of how different actors – military and civilian, political and humanitarian – understand the concept of the Protection of Civilians (POC) in armed conflict. Access the report online. Read more »
Photo: OxfamAUS

Sharing lessons from Cyclone Pam in Samoa

Just two months ago Vanuatu took a direct hit from Cyclone Pam — one of the strongest cyclones ever recorded in the South Pacific. You have seen the images, read the stories, and are no doubt following Vanuatu’s determined efforts to rebuild and recover. But there is another story waiting to be told. Read more »
Photo: Pablo Tosco/Oxfam Intermon

Oxfam delivering aid in Nepal

Oxfam has been delivering aid for more than a week, building pit toilets, providing shelter and clean water and distributing hygiene kits to families in the wake of the Nepal Earthquake. The following images are from Tundikhel camp — one of the biggest Internally Displaced Peoples (IDP) camps in Kathmandu. An 11,000 litre water tank has been installed and 20 pit toilets have been constructed. Read more »
Nepal earthquake

2.8 million displaced: Nepal survivors face second disaster

The earthquake in Nepal has razed more than 70,000 homes to the ground and damaged countless others. Thousands of people are now homeless and sleeping outdoors, too afraid to return to their homes. Without clean water, sanitation and life saving aid, disease is imminent. Sangita, her husband and their two children are just on family who lost everything after the Nepal earthquake. Read more »