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Palestinian Territory, Occupied: Children and their families are returning to their homes or the remains of their homes to check the status of their homes. Photo: Alef Multimedia Company/Oxfam
Nepal earthquake donations

May 27, 2015

Nepal’s mountain guides helping Oxfam deliver aid to remote villages

In the last month two large earthquakes and more than 100 aftershocks have devastated Nepal. Thousands of survivors are now...

Photo: Abo Haitham

May 21, 2015

Ongoing violence in Yemen pushing country towards economic collapse

With the escalation of conflict in Yemen now in its second month, the country is now in the midst of...

Photo: Eleanor Farmer/Oxfam

May 14, 2015

Making common sense of the Protection of Civilians

In 2012, Oxfam Australia commenced a project with Dr Phoebe Wynn Pope and the Australian Civil-Military Centre to deepen understanding...

Photo: OxfamAUS

May 12, 2015

Sharing lessons from Cyclone Pam in Samoa

Just two months ago Vanuatu took a direct hit from Cyclone Pam — one of the strongest cyclones ever recorded...

Photo: Pablo Tosco/Oxfam Intermon

May 5, 2015

Oxfam delivering aid in Nepal

Oxfam has been delivering aid for more than a week, building pit toilets, providing shelter and clean water and distributing...

Nepal earthquake

May 1, 2015

2.8 million displaced: Nepal survivors face second disaster

The earthquake in Nepal has razed more than 70,000 homes to the ground and damaged countless others. Thousands of people are...

Nepal Earthquake Photo: Aubrey Wade/Oxfam

April 30, 2015

Oxfam responds to Nepal earthquake: people of Nepal in dire need.

The heartbreaking aftermath of the Nepal earthquake continues. Oxfam is on the ground already providing clean water, pit toilets and...

Photo: Shristi Rajbhandari

April 28, 2015

Donations needed in the aftermath of the Nepal earthquake

Oxfam teams are now in Kathmandu responding to Nepal’s most powerful earthquake in decades. More than 3.5 million people are estimated to...


April 27, 2015

Kathmandu was ever a disaster-in-waiting

Shaheen Chughtai (Oxfam's Deputy Head of Humanitarian Policy and Campaigns) is in Kathmandu. She shares her firsthand experiences The densely...

Yemen Crisis

April 24, 2015

One aid worker is courageously telling the world what life is really like in Yemen right now

Nuha is an aid worker in Yemen and speaking out the conflict now affecting millions of ordinary people in her...

The aftermath of Cyclone Pam in Utas, Vanuatu. Photo: Amy Christian/OxfamAUS

April 7, 2015

Journey to Ambrym: delivering aid to Vanuatu

It was on Monday 23 March when the first Vanuatu ferry loaded its cargo of much-needed aid for some of...

Cyclone Pam and climate change

April 2, 2015

Meeting the global climate challenge: What would a fair contribution from Australia look like?

In December, the world will come together to finalise a new global climate agreement. Well before negotiators land in Paris...