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Syria: Civilians in urgent need as violence escalates in Ghouta

“I can hear children crying as they listen to the thunderous shelling and mortars”. Moutaz Adham, Oxfam’s Country Director, Syria shares his view of the escalating Syrian crisis from on the ground in Damascus. Read more »
Rohinya refugee crisis

Rohingya refugee mothers tell their story

More than half of the 626,000 Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh are women and girls. There are 120,000 pregnant women and new mothers. Shompa*, Marjina* and Kahinoor* are three such women. These are their stories. Read more »
Malakal IDP Camp South Sudan

The latest push for peace in South Sudan: we must end this war.

It’s been five years since civil war broke out in South Sudan. Earlier this year, Oxfam International’s Executive Director, Winnie Byanyima, visited the country and met some of the strong, hard-working, self-sacrificing women who have been turned into widows and beggars by the conflict. Read more »
Rohingya refugees

We must not fail the Rohingya again

Oxfam International Executive Director, Winnie Byanyima, calls on the international community to plug the funding aid gap, and international leaders to act to prevent another eruption of the Rohingya crisis. Read more »
Help Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

The perilous flight of a Rohingya refugee

Since August 25, over 600,000 Rohingya refugees have crossed over into Bangladesh’s southeastern districts. More than half are women. They have faced a treacherous journey across the border. Laila made the journey, five months pregnant and with her two children. This is her story. Read more »

A humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Bangladesh

Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya families are living in makeshift camps, without shelter and clean water. If they’re lucky, they may have plastic sheeting to sleep under, but mostly they are huddled under sarongs. Read more »

Hurricane Irma: Oxfam is ready to save lives

Oxfam is on the ground in Haiti, Dominican Republic and Cuba ready to mobilise when Hurricane Irma hits. Read more »

Helen Szoke in South Sudan: Hope in a time of hunger

This month Oxfam Chief Executive Helen Szoke visited Oxfam programs in South Sudan delivering clean water, sanitation and vital humanitarian assistance to families facing hunger and famine. Read more »

Yemen on the brink: conflict is pushing millions towards famine

More than two years of brutal conflict in Yemen have forced millions of families to leave their homes, and pushed many more to the brink of famine. 60 percent of the population are suffering from food insecurity and malnutrition. Read more »

“I am worried about my children. What will they eat?”

For more than 16 months, Ethiopia has been in drought. Water reserves are running out, crops are burnt and dying, and people don’t have enough food or water for themselves, let alone the livestock they rely on to make a living. Read more »