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Pakistan floods: Freeze debt, increase aid

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At a UN conference in Melbourne this week, Oxfam together with World Vision and Fred Hollows Foundation called for the freezing of Pakistan’s debt – and an increase in aid from the international community to help the flood-stricken nation. Read more »

Pakistan floods: The human cost

Oxfam’s humanitarian advocacy officer in Islamabad, Rebecca Barber, writes in the Age about the unfathomable human suffering caused by the Pakistan floods, and the desperate need from the international community for more aid. Read more »

Pakistan floods: An emotional journey

Shikarpur district in Sindh province of Pakistan was hit by unexpected flooding. People are still shocked and helpless, and according to official figures around 300,000 people are displaced in the district. Oxfam is there to assess the situation and launch a rapid response. Madiha Shafi, Oxfam’s program officer in Pakistan wrote this emotional piece about her visit to Shikarpur. Read more »

Pakistan floods: "This is unique in my nation’s history"

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Qasim Berech, 30, is a public health expert with Oxfam in Pakistan. He travelled to Upper Swat on 16 August. This is his account of the journey. Read more »

Pakistan floods: An aid worker’s diary Day 6

Day 6 of Zulfiquar Ali Haider’s diary from Pakistan. A public health engineer for Oxfam, he is in Swat – one of the worst-hit areas from the floods. This is his eyewitness account. Read more »

Pakistan floods: How big, really?

Looking for some perspective on just how massive the Pakistan floods have become? The BBC’s Dimensions lets you overlay various phenomena, including the floods, on a geographical area of your choice. Check it out. Read more »

Pakistan floods: "The tip of the iceberg"

Oxfam Australia Emergencies Manager Richard Young talks to Channel 10 about the ongoing crisis in Pakistan. With torrential monsoon rains expected through October, the worst may be yet to come for the millions of people in Pakistan who have already lost everything. Read more »

Pakistan floods: Sukkur, a city living in fear

As river levels begin to rise in Sukkur, the third largest city in Pakistan’s southern Sindh province, anxiety also begins to swell. A first-person account by Oxfam staffer Mubashar Hasan Read more »

Pakistan floods: Saving livestock while fleeing Sindh

Floodwater is approaching fast to the district Daud in Sindh Province. Oxfam staffer Mubashar Hasan offers this heartbreaking eyewitness account from the village of Sial. Read more »

Pakistan floods: An aid worker’s diary Day 5

Day 5 of Zulfiquar Ali Haider’s diary from Pakistan. A public health engineer for Oxfam, he is in Swat – one of the worst-hit areas from the floods. This is his eyewitness account. Read more »