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Rebuilding communities in Haiti: video update

Carrefour Feuilles, in Port-au-Prince, was one of the neighbourhoods hardest hit by the earthquake. In this video, Oxfam International media officer Julie Schindall talks about how Oxfam is helping members of this community to rebuild their lives. Read more »

Haiti cholera outbreak – video update

Julie Schindall, Oxfam’s media officer in Haiti, discusses our public health work in response to the Cholera outbreak in Haiti. Read more »
Photo: Jane Beesley/Oxfam

Pakistan floods: Zarina and Janat

In Dadu in Pakistan, Oxfam and local partners are providing water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, to thousands of people living in camps following the devastating floods. We talk to Zarina and Janat about their experiences in a camp. Read more »
Ikhtiar, community health volunteer in Khaipur, Pakistan. Photo: Jane Beesley/Oxfam

Pakistan floods: returning home

Whilst many people remain in camps others, as the floodwater recedes, are going home. In a village in Khaipur a group of women reveal what helped them return home. Read more »

Oxfam prepares for winter in Pakistan

Oxfam is distributing thousands of winter kits to some of the worst flood-affected communities in Upper Swat, Pakistan. Thanks to your support, families can survive the long, cold winter. Read more »

After Pakistans floods, new worries about debt and land rights

Sindh was the region worst-affected by the Pakistan floods; and in many areas flood waters still remain stubbornly high, refusing to drain away. Now as people look to return home, new disputes could arise over land as many boundaries, previously marked by irrigation channels, have been washed away and ownership records destroyed. Read more »

Cholera in Haiti – Oxfam working to stem spread

With cases of cholera confirmed in camps for displaced people in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Oxfam redoubles its efforts to halt the epidemic. Read more »

Rebirth among the flood ruins

The road heading towards Qaimjatoi, in Dadu district in Pakistan’s southern Sindh looked like it was literally disappearing into the river. A week ago, it was impassable; now, it was still surrounded by flooded rice fields, but most of the road had, at last, re-emerged from the waters. Read more »

Haiti aid "maxed" as hurricane looms

With Hurricane Tomas bearing down on Haiti and expected to make landfall on Friday, Oxfam is worried about the ability of the humanitarian community to mount a third simultaneous emergency response in Haiti while still responding to January’s earthquake and the cholera outbreak earlier this month. Read more »

Indonesia disasters

In late October 2010, Indonesia was struck by a trio of disasters. An earthquake and resulting tsunami in Sumatra killed at least 272 people and displaced more than 500. The eruption of Mt Merapi, one of the most active volcanos in the world, has displaced nearly 70,000 people in Java. Read more »