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Photo: Jo Harrison/Oxfam

“Your son is not sick. He just needs to eat”

Oxfam International’s media officer, Louis Belanger, describes how the announcement of famine in parts of Somalia has affected aid workers in the region, inspiring them to work even harder to bring comfort to people like Abdi and Nuriya. Read more »
Aid Worker Diary in Dadaab - Anna Ridout from Oxfam

Video diary from Dadaab

Anna Ridout from Oxfam reports from Dadaab refugee complex in northern Kenya for CNN, taking us behind the scenes and showing us what life is really like in the camps. Read more »
Photo: Jennifer O'Gormon/Concern Worldwide

“A perfect storm” in Somalia: Mary Robinson in East Africa

Oxfam Global Ambassador Mary Robinson recently returned to Somalia, almost 20 years after her first trip to the country. In a fascinating interview with the ABC, she shares her thoughts and impressions of the East Africa crisis. Read more »
JJ Singano - a Oxfam public health engineer stands by a newly installed water tank at Dadaab refugee camp. 1400 refugees come to the camp each day and so JJ has to act fast to respond to the growing number of residents.

Clean water for Dadaab’s most vulnerable

Oxfam is at Dadaab, supplying Somalian refugees on the camp’s outskirts with desperately needed water. Check out our photo gallery to see our specialist staff at work. Read more »
Photo: Jo Harrison/Oxfam

Famine in Somalia: what does it mean?

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Famine in East Africa: what does it mean, exactly? When does a food crisis become a famine, and what are the factors behind it? What can be done about it? With the UN declaring famine in parts of Somalia, we thought it was time for some explanations. Read more »
Supplies ready to be dispatched to Ethiopia. Photo: Amy Christian/Oxfam

Seventy tons of aid sets off for Ethiopia food crisis

On 17 July, a huge batch of life-saving aid was dispatched to drought-stricken Ethiopia from Oxfam’s Bicester warehouse, including water, sanitation equipment and plastic sheeting for shelter. Take a look at our slide show to get some idea of the shipment’s scale. Read more »
Photo: Sophie McGrath/Oxfam

“A better life will come”: bringing water to Hindeysa, Ethiopia

Ethiopia is one of the countries hardest hit by the drought currently affecting East Africa. But for a small village in Somali region, the construction of a borehole has brought not only water but a sense of optimism too. Read more »
Photo: Linda Ogwell/Oxfam

Refugees in Dadaab search for shelter

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The largest refugee complex in the world, northern Kenya’s Dadaab camp is desperately overcrowded and struggling to provide shelter for the 9,000+ people arriving from drought-stricken Somalia every week. Read more »
Photo: Andy Hall/Oxfam

Oxfam Ambassador Kristin Davis visits drought-stricken East Africa

Actress and Oxfam Ambassador Kristin Davis, best known for her role as Charlotte in Sex and the City, visits the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya with Oxfam, to see the devastating impact of the drought. Read more »
Photo: Oxfam

Speed is crucial, as Somalia faces biggest crisis in over a decade

More than one third of Somalia’s population are in need of humanitarian assistance, thanks to drought and ongoing conflict. Many of them are making the long, difficult trip to Kenya in search of a better future. Read more »