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Photo: Matthew Vasilescu/OxfamAUS

School resources putting a spotlight on the Olympics

Make the most of Olympics fever to raise your students’ awareness of the serious labour rights issues behind many of the big sports-wear brands, with our new Olympic Special Student Action Guide. Read more »
The Concord Project

Apathetic, self-obsessed teens? Whatevs…students tackling the tough issues

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Students from Cheltenham Girls High School are taking action on issues of children in detention – and proving to be leaders in their own right. Read more »

The Majestic Plastic Bag – A Mockumentary

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And now for something completely different: after rediscovering the joys of the classic nature documentary, Sharon stumbles upon a clever mocumentary perfect for classroom use. Read more »
Photo: Matthew Willman/OxfamAUS

Our friends at PLAN International launch a fantastic new classroom resource

Non-government organisations (NGOs) are uniquely placed to provide teachers with active citizenship and social justice perspectives – and PLAN International have done just that with their latest classroom resource. Read more »

What do our students know about the famine in the Horn of Africa?

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Ideas to motivate your students to better understand the famine in the Horn of Africa and how they can contribute to a world without hunger. Read more »
Sneaky Business website

No permission slips needed for this excursion

Take your students on a trip around the world with no need for passports, permission slips or jet lag tablets — just get them to bring their sneakers… Read more »
Photo: Rodney Dekker/OxfamAUS

Was Kermit right when he sang "It’s not easy being Green"..?

It IS easy being Green. Check out these tools, great case studies and ideas to start a food garden at your school. Read more »
Photo courtesy Emmanual College

More than 85,000 students took action to Close the Gap

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This year, more than 85,000 students and more than 5000 teachers at 371 schools showed their support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health equality – making it the biggest National Close the Gap day in history. Read more »

Hot topics in the classroom

How do you incorporate a controversial topic like refugees and asylum seekers into your classroom? This week’s blog includes excellent resources to give you some starting points… Read more »
Courtesy Australian Human Rights Commision

Talking about human rights

RightsED is a range of education resources for teachers developed by the Australian Human Rights Commission. Its aim is to help students explore and understand human rights and responsibilities. Read more »