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Balaka district, Malawi: Angela writes her name on the classroom blackboard at a primary school in Balaka district, Malawi. Photo credit: Veronica Mwale/Oxfam in Southern Africa

Transforming education, transforming lives in Southern Africa

Every child deserves to go to school. But right now, too many girls across Malawi and Zimbabwe are facing barriers that halt their education. These barriers include discrimination, poverty, child marriage, gender-based violence and an unfair share of unpaid care and domestic work.   If a girl can finish her education, she’s more likely to grow […] Read more »

What She Makes Game

Try out this classroom round table role play/ debate game! Read more »

In their own words: Three inspiring young women tell us why we must #CloseTheGap

National Close the Gap Day is only a few days away on 15 March 2018. With International Women’s Day still fresh in our minds, we ask three inspiring young women to express in their own words why we must close the  gap in Indigenous health. Read more »

Warriappendi School and Lourdes Hill College help Close the Gap

In many ways, Warriappendi School in Adelaide and Lourdes Hill College in Brisbane are very different schools, located over 2000 kilometres away from each other. But they are united by a shared passion – to close the health gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Read more »

Schools in Action: St Margaret’s Mini Fete

Armed with steely determination, a strong sense of social justice and ‘creative budgets’, the Year Sixes at St Margaret’s Primary School in Maribyrnong are just one of the many schools who’ve worked to tackle poverty together with us this year. Read more »

Teaching Controversial Issues: New PD Workshop for Teachers from Oxfam

Recently Oxfam’s own Schools Program Coordinator Annalise De Mel presented a workshop on teaching controversial issues at a UNESCO global citizenship education conference in Seoul, South Korea. Read more »

Four ways Aussie schools can respond to the hunger crisis

Bisharo and her baby are just two of 20 million people currently at risk of starvation. But the current global hunger crisis is about more than people just being hungry. Here’s how schools can help. Read more »

Ballarat Grammar School takes a bite out of hunger

Ballarat Grammar School in Victoria kicked off the 2017 school year by hosting an Oxfam Hunger Banquet, a fun and experiential way for students to explore the inequities in our global food system. Read more »

Australian students use Instagram to Close the Gap

“It is our responsibility as members of today’s generation to improve the way of life for the next generation.” While this could easily be a quote from a maiden speech in Parliament or media commentator, in fact it’s from Brittany Abraham, a Year 12 Aboriginal Studies student from Loreto Normanhurst school in Sydney. She and […] Read more »

Poster design to change the world

The Oxfam Schools Program has released a new, interactive, online and free educational resource, which explores the power of posters to change the world. Read the inside story behind the illustrator and design. Read more »