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Loss and damage finance: where the rubber hits the road for climate justice

Extreme weather events and increasing humanitarian need  Continued inaction has created a climate crisis with more extreme weather events happening more frequently. These events disproportionately affect communities already facing crises related to conflict, food insecurity, and the economic shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even worse inadequate loss and damage finance from rich countries, who are […] Read more »
Adriana Wale - Image Credit: Collin Leafasia/Oxfam

IPCC report: climate change is already hurting the world’s most vulnerable

This new report on climate change shows that the impacts of global warming are not something in the distant future, but are happening now. In fact those suffering the most from these consequences are the ones who contribute the less to climate change. Read more »
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Climate justice is about more than emissions reductions

Funding required to support low-income countries to mitigate and adapt to climate change, also known as climate finance, as well as funding to compensate for its irreversible consequences, known as loss and damage funding, is more important than ever.  Read more »

Bridging the climate finance gap on the road to Glasgow

It is essential that countries make commitments at COP26 that will limit global warming to 1.5°C and avoid devastating impacts to lives and livelihoods. Read more »

Keeping 1.5°C alive in the lead up to COP26

In August we saw the release of the report from the International Panel on Climate Change. It provides the latest information on past warming and future warming projections, showing how and why the climate has changed to date, and including an improved understanding of how humans have influenced the climate. Read more »