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Indonesia: A bird’s eye view of Mekko village. Kyo Umareta/Oxfam

What is loss and damage?

Loss and damage (L&D) is the term used for climate impacts which cannot be or have not been mitigated or adapted to. The “loss” refers to things that are irreversibly lost such as lives, a way of living or historical sites, while the “damage” refers to things that can be repaired or recovered such as […] Read more »
An Oxfam water container is filled with clean water in Gaza. Displaced People in Rafah in South Gaza to use the newly installed desalination units Oxfam and local partners provided. These units provide clean drinking water for free with no risk of contamination.

The current situation in Gaza 

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has now displaced over 1.9 million people — in many cases, more than once. Deprived of the basics like clean water and food, disease and starvation are deadly risks. Here’s the latest update on life in Gaza, and what your support has helped deliver so far.  As of last week, […] Read more »
Hilda, a climate activist, holds her open palm to the camera. Her palm has 'pay' written on it. The changes to the stage-three tax cuts are a step forward, but more needs to be done to address inequality.

Make Tax Fair: Stage-three tax cuts

Oxfam has been part of a movement of organisations advocating against the unfair stage-three tax cuts, which would have deepened inequality in Australia. The Government’s changes are a substantial improvement, but they won’t solve the inequality problem in Australia. Here’s how we’re working to make tax fair.  In recent weeks, the Albanese Government has announced […] Read more »
Scrap the unfair stage-three tax cuts!

Inequality Inc. 

The wealth of the three richest Australians, Gina Rinehart, Andrew Forrest and Harry Triguboff, has more than doubled since 2020 at a staggering rate of $1.5 million per hour. Meanwhile 5 billion people are poorer thanks to the pandemic, war and climate change impacts.  Looking just at the world’s five richest men, they have been […] Read more »
Manila: People in a waterside house raised on stilts in an informal settlement in Manila. Photo: Robin Hammond/Panos

Climate Equality: A Planet for the 99% 

The richest 1% emit as much carbon pollution as two-thirds of humanity This is one of the shocking findings of Oxfam’s landmark ‘Climate Equality: A Planet for the 99%’ report released ahead of the annual United Nations international climate change conference COP28.    We also found that it would take about 1,500 years for someone in […] Read more »
Lavenia, Zedi and Usaia (L-R) address parliamentarians at an event in the Parliament house. Photo: Oxfam Aus.

Safe Climate, Equal Future Tour 2023

Three cities, fifteen meetings with politicians, seven impactful events, and national news interviews – all for our planet. Oxfam’s inspirational ‘Safe Climate, Equal Future’ tour saw three Pacific community leaders, Usaia Moli, Lavenia Naivalu, and Zedi Devesi meet with Ministers, Australian climate advocates and the public across events in Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra. Usaia Moli, […] Read more »

Survival of the Richest: How billionaires are amassing eye-watering wealth amid crisis

Oxfam has today revealed that the richest 1% of Australians have accumulated 10 times more wealth than the bottom 50% in the past decade, as cost-of-living pressures bite and global inequality spikes. Survival of the Richest is published on the opening day of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Elites are gathering in the […] Read more »
Naughty or Nice

Naughty or Nice list 2022

What’s the low down on this year’s list?  This year’s Naughty or Nice list asks brands to commit to completing a wage gap analysis in their supply chain by October 2023. A wage gap analysis involves calculating the difference between current worker wages and the living wage – it is a key step in an […] Read more »
A section of the sea wall built by Martin Hau - Solomon Islands.

Who’s responsible for the climate crisis? Carbon Billionaires.

Who’s responsible for the climate crisis?  If you were asked that question, what would you say? It may make sense to say ‘everyone’. We all have a part to play in minimising our carbon footprint. But in an unequal world, some are more responsible for the climate crisis than others.  Oxfam’s latest report ‘Carbon Billionaires: […] Read more »
A woman rows a boat over a swelling river

Even the scales: Everyone deserves a fair go in the fight against the climate crisis 

The climate crisis hurts those who are least responsible for causing it and who are also least equipped to protect themselves from it. In short, vulnerable communities at the forefront of the crisis are reeling to survive a nightmare they didn’t create. Small island nations, such as the Solomon Islands and Fiji, account for 0.5% of […] Read more »