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Want Australia to lead on climate? Call the Captain now!

With Cabinet set to decide on Australia’s future climate targets any day now, the PM needs to hear directly from real people like you. He needs to hear from people like you who want the government to do the right and fair thing by families and farmers – not for the big polluters. Make sure YOUR […] Read more »

PM Abbott stands at the climate action crossroads

By Oxfam Australia’s Food and Climate Justice Campaign Lead, Ula Majewski It’s crunch time in Canberra, with key ministers expected to decide on Australia’s post-2020 climate targets over the coming days. I visited Parliament House this week, accompanied by some amazing Oxfam staff and volunteers, a giant Tony Abbott, some torrential rain, a giant sign […] Read more »

Australia: Show us the money to help end poverty in Addis Ababa

Helping to end poverty and inequality, and supporting communities to tackle climate change – they’re the biggest challenges facing the world today. But at the moment, Australia is failing do its fair share on both counts. In July our leaders have an opportunity to change this. At the Finance for Development Conference in Addis Ababa, Australia […] Read more »
Goreti Kirua from Papua New Guinea’s East Sepik region (pictured) holding payment papers she received from a logging company. “Foreigners forced us to sign consent forms; then they destroyed our forest,” says Goreti. Photo: Vlad Sokhin/OxfamAUS

Our banks need to listen and act!

Land grabs are not only plunging affected communities into poverty; it’s also bad for business. Shona Hawkes, Sustainable Food Advocacy Coordinator, is in Chiang Mai. Shona is joining hundreds of people from across Asia at the Land Deals Politics Initiative (LDPI) conference to better understand how, and why, land grabbing is happening — and more importantly, what can be done to stop it. Read more »

What is food and nutrition security?

By Kate Wingrove, Dietician and Campaigns Volunteer On 26 May 2015, government representatives, researchers and civil society organisations will meet in Paris to discuss the impacts of climate change on food and nutrition security. Dietician and Oxfam volunteer, Kate Wingrove, explains this important relationship. What is food and nutrition security? Food and nutrition security is about […] Read more »
Photo: Nicola Bailey/ActionAid

The good news and the bad news for garment workers in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is well known for the appalling conditions under which many of its garment sector employees have to work. Both in terms of the physical conditions, but also the wages they’re paid, which are among the lowest in the region. But despite the many Australian companies that have met, or exceeded, the Australian community’s demands to improve workers’ conditions, there are still some holding out. Read more »

Another Unfair Budget for Australian Aid

Our fears have been confirmed. The Government has made the worst cuts to aid in our nation’s history, showing that the poorest people of the world mean very little to this Government. They have set out a path for Australia – the second wealthiest country per capita in the world – to give our lowest […] Read more »
Photo: Simon Bradshaw/OxfamAU

10 unique ways people are taking on climate change — and 3 things you can do to help

From droughts in Australia to cyclones in Vanuatu, we’re all feeling the effects of climate change. But droughts, floods, storms, and other extreme weather affect some of us more than others. Discover what others are doing to battle the effects and how you can help. Read more »
Photo: Oxfam

What is Illovo and three reasons why you should care

Illovo is the latest food and beverage company to adopt a zero tolerance land grabs policy. Will it follow through in practice? The company sources from countries where land tenure is complex. It can’t go it alone or cut corners. It’ll need to enlist the support of others to help, and recognise it’s just beginning a journey. Read more »
The Guarani-Kaiowa people are still fighting for their land in Brazil. Photo: Eduardo Martino/OxfamAus

Banking on shaky ground: one year on

Communities unfairly forced off their land are plunged into poverty. They often face the threat of violence for speaking out as well as food shortages, inadequate housing and poor health. In the year that’s passed since the release of our land grabs report, Australian customers and investors have shown they care deeply that their bank respects land rights. Read more »