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How you can continue the healing

Health professional and proud Noongar woman Vicki Wade reflects on her people’s struggle to overcome generations of disadvantage and the subsequent health burden. Read more »

The deal is done, now the real work begins…

The Paris agreement is a true landmark. It goes beyond what many thought possible only a month ago. It was a deal made possible by the determined efforts of people around the world. People like you, who stood up and demanded more. Read more »
Climate change effects poor communities the most

“I believe in the power of people.”

A message from Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of Oxfam International, on the challenges and opportunities presented by climate change. Read more »
Kiribati youth climate activist, Tinaai Teaua (centre), with some of the more than 20 Australians who met with key decision-makers at Parliament House in Canberra recently to urge stronger action on climate change. Photo: Jennifer Nagy/OxfamAUS

“I am so happy and proud of those Australians who support us!”

Twenty-two year old Pacific Islander Tinaai Teaua is currently at the CoP21 climate summit in Paris to ensure her peoples’ future: to conserve their land and guarantee their culture. Read more »
Climate Change negotiations are almost over. Will our world leaders make concrete commitments?

Halfway through the Paris climate negotiations – the clock is ticking

We’re now halfway through the Paris climate negotiations. What happens now? Climate Change Advocacy Coordinator Simon Bradshaw checks in Read more »

Nothing really. We just made history.

Over the weekend, at The People’s Climate March, we made history. And it was truly, awesomely epic. A momentous, tell-your-grand kids kind of occasion. Read more »
Banks must take a zero tolerance approach to land grabs

Big banks beware: there are now no excuses

Oxfam’s new report describes how Australia’s big four banks can construct an approach with zero tolerance for land grabs. Read more »
School kids in Tial village raise their hands for Sustainable Development Goals

“Did you say we could end extreme poverty in 15 years?”

In just the past 15 years we’ve helped halve extreme poverty; and now we need to finish the job. The Sustainable Development Goals can get us there and are about to be approved at the United Nations over the next few days. Read more »
4 people smiling, wearing Make Poverty History Tshirts

So what have we achieved in 15 years (and where to from here)?

As world leaders prepare to meet in NY at the end of September to agree on a second round of global goals (the Sustainable Development Goals), we take a look back to the successes of the Millennium Development Goals and, most importantly, the lessons learnt. Read more »
Vlad Sokhin/Panos/OxfamAUS

Australia’s climate targets a major blow for Pacific neighbours

Australia’s announcement today of its post-2020 emission reduction targets is woefully inadequate and risks an even more challenging future for communities around the world. But we don’t have to accept this announcement! Read more »