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Fremantle candidate’s forum

More than 200 people rocked up to a recent candidate’s forum in Fremantle where Labor incumbent Melissa Parke MP faced off with five other candidates. Read more »

Namibia’s first female trawler captain

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Slight, pretty, sharp-eyed, and quietly firm about things – Johanna Kwedhi is Namibia’s first female trawler captain. She is a living example of the empowerment of women in Namibia. Read more »

Don’t wait until Aug 21 to vote – influence Australia’s climate policy now

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As the election looms tell the political parties what 3 things you’d most like them to have in their climate change policies that would really make a difference in tackling climate change. Read more »

2010 online election (part II)

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In the second of our posts on the digital election, we bring you some more interesting sites and systems utilising web-based technology to further the electoral experience. Read more »

Small actions. Big difference

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Oxfam’s Design 4 Change program has produced our fresh, new climate change postcard – tell us what you think! Read more »

Dragging large white letters around Melbourne

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It’s hard to be inconspicuous on a Melbourne city tram when you’re struggling to keep hold of a human-sized ‘H’, but it’s all worth it in the name of Making Poverty History. Read more »

Australia the generous nation?

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So where does Australia’s generosity rank in terms our contribution to making poverty history? The answer: a lowly 16th out of the world’s 23 richest nations. Read more »

2010 online election

Most candidates in the federal election are madly Facebooking, Tweeting, blogging and even Foursquaring their way around Australia, but is this campaign actually going to live up to expectations and be a true digital election? Read more »

An explanation of the political system

Vibewire’s electionWIRE teamed up with Hungry Beast’s Kieran Ricketts to explain the political system, the political parties and the upcoming election. Read more »

PM Gillard on Australia’s foreign aid

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Oxfam’s Paddy Cullen asks Prime Minister Gillard her stance on Australia’s commitment to foreign aid spending Read more »