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Make Poverty History release free newspaper

Hundreds of Make Poverty History volunteers came together today to distribute a free newspaper to commuters to coincide with the United Nations Department of Public Information conference on global health. Read more »

GOOD design a poster on the MDGs

GOOD Magazine have announced the winner of their latest project – to design a poster marking the progress the global community has made in reaching the Millennium Development Goals. Read more »

Add your voice – Australians are ready for real leadership on climate change

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While the results of last weekend’s federal election still remain up in the air, the message from the Australian public is clear – people want action on climate change and they will support the leaders who make it happen. Read more »

Make your Wish to End Poverty

You can make your wish to end global poverty, and contribute to the largest anti-poverty movement in history. Add your wish to the Make Poverty History Wishing Tree, and ensure your political leaders hear your voice. Read more »

On Rickshaws and Change: the Dobell Electoral Forum

On a quiet Wednesday evening, the sight of a lavishly decorated rickshaw pulling into a residential street caused a bit of a stir. The Bangladeshi rickshaw was in the Central Coast electorate of Dobell for the Make Poverty History electoral forum. Read more »

The votes are in!

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Although the tally room madness won’t officially kick off until Saturday afternoon, here at Oxfam we’ve added up the votes of more than 4,000 Australians who have so far voted in our climate survey.We’ve taken your votes, your voices, and sent letters to the politicians asking for real action on climate change! Read more »

A whole lot of hot air

If you found Julia and Tony on the back seat of your car, what would you say to them? Australians don’t want more hot air, they want to hear about real solutions to tackle climate change in the last few days of this election campaign. Read more »

World Humanitarian Day

Today (August 19th) is World Humanitarian Day, and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has produced a video celebrating aid workers across the globe. Read more »

Bondi gets a Make Poverty History push

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Oxfam intern Giselle Hall reports back on a recent Make Poverty History action on the streets of Bondi. Read more »

The rise of the fairtrade ‘cool’ factor?

According to a three-part series on the history of coffee, even as late as the 1980s, coffee drinking in America was on the decline – drinking coffee just wasn’t cool. Is coffee currently in the process of another consumer-driven transformation, with the rise of Fairtrade coffee? Read more »