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International Day of Peace

Today, September 21st, is the International Day of Peace. First put in place by the United Nations in 1981, this day is dedicated to “commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace within and among all nations and people.” Read more »

John Butler Trio supports the Close the Gap Campaign

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The John Butler Trio are committed to the ongoing struggle for justice and equality for Indigenous Australians. Oxfam intern Giselle Hall caught up with the musician on his current April Uprising tour, as he supports the Close the Gap campaign. Read more »

UN Summit on MDGs

Currently underway in New York City, the UN is holding a summit to review progress on the Millennium Development Goals, and to plot a path to achieve these goals by 2015. Here’s what’s been happening so far. Read more »

Stand Up in Sydney

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It was a glorious day in Sydney for Stand Up 2010 – with indigenous dance performances alongside harmonicas, whistles and rice shakers. All to Make A Noise for the MDGs! Read more »

UN MDG Summit: a plan for action?

On the eve of the UN Summit on the progress of the Millennium Development Goals, it is time for Australia to push for real action to rescue the MDGs Read more »

Make Poverty History newspaper delivery

In August, hundreds of Make Poverty History volunteers distributed 50,000 copies of our free newspaper ‘EMC’ on the streets of Melbourne, raising awareness and educating about the need to eradicate global poverty. Check out the video of this huge stunt. Read more »

The Climate Campaign v Make Poverty History

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Duncan Green, Head of Research for Oxfam GB and author of ‘From Poverty to Power’ comments on the differences between the climate change campaign and Make Poverty History. Read more »

Future Shots

Future Shots is a short film competition for young Victorians focusing on sustainability. Budding directors need to make a film using themes of Water-Smart Cities, Waste-Free Victoria or Smart Energy use. Read more »

Environmental Film Festival Melbourne

We’re looking forward to Melbourne’s first dedicated environmental film festival, with the Environmental Film Festival Melbourne launching later this month. Read more »

Read all about it: Robin Hood in the 21st century

Thousands of Sydneysiders were handed a free newspaper as they got on and off their trains today. No, not THAT free newspaper. This one was a little different. Read more »