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First national conference on women’s rights to land in Sierra Leone

by Oxfam intern Jarrod Strauch Sierra Leone has held its first ever national conference on women’s property and land rights, bringing together over 160 participants to develop new strategies in fighting the denial of basic rights to Sierra Leone’s women. The conference, held between 6-8 June at the YWCA of Sierra Leone, brought together 100 […] Read more »

Refugees have no choice. You do.

Refugee Week 2012 runs from Sunday 17 June to Saturday 23 June. Its theme is “Restoring Hope”, a reminder that refugees often leave their homes with nothing but the hope of finding a better life in another country. Read more »
Women from South African organisation 'Women on Farms' meet with GROW ambassador Julie Goodwin. Photo: Michael Myers/OxfamAUS

Challenging the hunger myths around NSW

Our South African guests, Colette, Roseline and Gertruida, continue their Australian speaking tour in Sydney, where they meet local food producers and chefs, while spreading the word about tackling hunger the sustainable way. Read more »
With ABC’s 774 Drive Show host Rafael Epstein. Photo: OxfamAUS

Challenging the hunger myths around Victoria

Currently in Australia are three women from Oxfam partner organisation ‘Women on Farms Project’, based in South Africa. The women, Colette, Roseline and Gertruida, are here for two weeks to speak at a series of public events. Here are some highlights of their first week. Read more »
L-R: Roseline Presence, Gertruida Baartman and Collette Solomon from the Women on Farms project. Photo: Michael Myers/OxfamAUS

Meet our South African guests in Western Australia

Join Oxfam on Thursday 14 June for the GROW Africa Night. Hear the stories from two exceptional women from the ‘Women on Farms Project’, South Africa. Read more »
Gertruida Baartman. Photo: Matthew Willman/OxfamAUS

Meet Collette, Gertruida and Roseline at the Collingwood Children’s Farmers’ Market

As part of the Challenging the Hunger Myths speakers’ tour, Oxfam will be presenting the Land is Life photographic exhibition with guest speakers from the Women on Farms Project in South Africa at Collingwood Children’s Farmers’ Market this Saturday. Read more »

Challenging the Hunger Myths

Almost one billion people on our planet go to bed hungry every night. That’s close to one in every seven people, all around the world – but why does so much hunger exist in a world where others have plenty? Read more »

What’s wrong with our food system?

We can address this hunger if we support small-scale food producers, tackle climate change, and reduce food waste. This great infographic provides some suggestions. Read more »

Design a better future for GROW

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With less than a week to go before applications close, our joint design competition with Red Bubble is hotting up! Get your entry in soon for your chance to help shape the look of our GROW campaign. Read more »
Photo: Ann Matson/OxfamAUS

On the road to Make Poverty History!

By Barbara Tibu, Oxfam Brisbane Campaigns Team volunteer Aid works. It makes a difference. That’s something I’m starting to get a greater sense of since joining the volunteer team and helping plan the Make Poverty History “Road to 2015” photo exhibitions. As a uni student studying politics and international studies (with an assignment to write […] Read more »