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The future of digital campaigning in Australia

FWD2012 was Australia’s first conference just for digital campaigners. Held at Queens College in Melbourne on November 28-29, FWD2012 brought together over 170 digital campaigners from 70+ organizations to share their knowledge and experience, learn from each other and to contribute to a new community of campaigners in Australia. The conference heard from some great […] Read more »

Women leading change

On the weekend I was lucky enough to spend an inspiring afternoon with an impressive cohort of women from some of Melbourne’s migrant and diaspora communities. They came from far-flung places like Afghanistan, South Sudan, Liberia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Israel and Iran – and they were meeting to share experiences and views on the role of […] Read more »

Yothu Yindi inducted into the ARIA Hall of Fame

Did you see Yothu Yindi use their induction into the ARIA Hall of Fame last night to call for constitutional recognition? Speaking ahead of the ceremony, the band’s inspiring frontman – Yolngu elder Mandawuy Yunupingu – hit the nail on the head. “As musicians, recognition from our peers is important to us. As Aboriginal Australians, […] Read more »

Melbourne’s GROW team

Meeting every week, sharing experiences and learning campaigning skills, Erica, Yolande, Barb, Tina, Tim, Rena and Agus are the Melbourne GROW team. Together they are a group of Oxfam supporters committed to campaigning for a future where everyone has enough to eat. Every Thursday for the last 6 weeks, the team has come together for […] Read more »

Seeds in women’s hands

Seeds are the first link in the food chain. Yet women seed breeders are invisible in the industrial model of food production and in intellectual property regimes. The roots of food and gender justice lie in keeping seeds in women’s hands and recognizing women’s knowledge of biodiversity. Health and nutrition begin with food, and food […] Read more »

Coldplay in Sydney

If you can imagine 50000 people, an enormous stadium, the biggest band in the world, crazy lights, pyrotechnics… and people dressed as carrots and tacos, then you can only begin to imagine the weekend of concerts that Coldplay invited Oxfam to in Sydney. Coldplay, as most of you would be aware, are one of Oxfam’s […] Read more »

The World Bank responds to our campaign…

Last month Oxfam launched a campaign calling on the World Bank to freeze their large land acquisitions for 6 months. Why? Because banks and private investors are buying up land in the developing world at an alarming rate, often resulting in people losing their homes and the land they grow their food on. Over the […] Read more »

Queenslanders talk support for climate action and a freeze on global land grabs

Oxfam supporters made the most of their opportunity to meet Federal Member for Moreton Graham Perrett at his weekend mobile office last Saturday in southside Brisbane. Newly enrolling into the electorate, Emily Cowlrick and Jessica Wheelock took the chance to update their electoral roll details while also presenting their new MP with copies of Oxfam’s […] Read more »

Make mining companies accountable

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Income from oil, gas and minerals is often one of the greatest sources of wealth for developing countries. But Governments and people living in these countries (about 3.5 billion) often do not see the benefits. The Government of Zambia believes it is owed up to a $1 billion in unpaid taxes, from copper production. According […] Read more »

How Tina celebrated World Food Day

Ding dong! The doorbell rings. It’s like a friend-lottery – who will be first? My friend and fellow host, Deb, a tall elegant woman with a warm smile, walks ahead of me down the hall of her Melbourne home. Adele and Nat, two young gorgeous country girls stand smiling at the door. And this is […] Read more »