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Belgrave Survival Day Festival

Hi I am Kathy, a volunteer with the Dandenong Ranges Oxfam group. On Australia Day we ran a Close the Gap stall at the Belgrave Survival Day Festival, a local community celebration of Aboriginal culture, with Aboriginal music, dance and stalls. We have done so for six years. We started with an umbrella and some […] Read more »

7 photos that reveal what families eat in one week

How much food does your household go through in a week? What are your go-to family meals? And how much do you spend on food? You can get a glimpse of how others answered these questions in Oxfam’s new photo series, which depicts people from around the globe with one week’s food supply for their […] Read more »
Good Aid Works

Good Aid Works

Australia Day is upon us, and it’s a great opportunity to celebrate living in the lucky country, and the values that Australia stands for. One of those values – the idea of barracking for the underdog – is considered a quintessentially Australian trait. If this is true, then Australia’s overseas aid program is the embodiment […] Read more »

The Race to Save the World!

When was your last adventure? Was it challenging? Did you achieve something important? Well Oxfam, Amnesty International, Make Poverty History, Fairtrade, Results, the Global Poverty Project and the Greatest Need have come together to bring you the Race to Save the World – an adventure that gives you one day to complete six challenges; challenges […] Read more »

Aid and development on Syn radio

Are you under the age of 26, in Melbourne and interested in covering aid and development issues on radio? SYN Media is hosting free radio training workshop for young people interested in International Aid and Development issues culminating in weekly program on SYN Radio. Apply now Applications close 5pm Wednesday 6 February 2013 You will […] Read more »

The Global Poverty Walk

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I love being a campaigner at Oxfam Australia and one of the main reasons is that my job gives me the opportunity to meet some truly amazing people. Last year I had the pleasure of working with the inspirational couple Wendy and Matt Napier, who reflecting on their lives saw that comparatively they had more […] Read more »

Minister Carr – don’t short change the poor

Overseas aid works. Since 1990 global poverty has been halved. We need to continue this important work and not allow the government to use sneaky accounting to cut back our support to some of the world’s poorest communities. It’s just not in the spirit of Christmas. Ask Foreign Minister, Bob Carr, not to divert Australia’s […] Read more »

Land Grabs: Why the World Bank can be a force for good

Like many Australians, you probably dream of owning your own piece of land one day. But whether renting or paying off a mortgage, most Australians feel relatively secure they won’t be kicked out of their own home without notice. For poor people in developing countries, this is not always the case. Families are being unfairly […] Read more »

Digging in deep in Doha

Here in Doha, negotiation sessions are going deep into the night. Negotiators with tired eyes are talking about redlines and deadlines. Throughout the last two weeks, the issue of climate finance has been a major sticking point. So far only a handful of European countries and the UK have announced new climate finance pledges. Developing […] Read more »

An Oxfam volunteer at Coldplay’s Brisbane concert

December 5 was International Volunteer Day – an important date in the calendar for Oxfam and other non-profit organisations who rely so much on the support of dedicated volunteers. Kaitlyn McGinley is one of many “vollies” who helped out at the recent Coldplay concerts around Australia, gathering signatures and spreading the word about Oxfam’s GROW […] Read more »