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The role of the Asian Development Bank

Although it doesn’t get a lot of coverage in the Australian papers, the Asian Development Bank held its annual meeting in Delhi last weekend. Oxfam was there with a powerful team of advocates from India, Australia, the Philippines, Bangladesh and Myanmar. We were there working to get the ADB to think seriously about the important […] Read more »

How your campaigning is helping end land grabs

With your help, Oxfam has been campaigning since September on land grabs, as part of our GROW campaign to for food justice. We wanted the World Bank to take some urgently needed action to help end land grabs in many developing countries, which help keep one in eight people on our planet hungry. In the […] Read more »

World’s biggest chocolate companies melt under consumer pressure

More sweet news today for chocolate lovers: the biggest chocolate maker in the world, Mondelez International who owns brands like Cadbury, Toblerone and Oreo, has agreed to take steps to address inequality facing women in their cocoa supply chains—thanks to pressure from customers like you. More than 100,000 people around the world joined Oxfam’s campaign, […] Read more »

Let the GROW Challenges begin!

Oxfam Australia has launched six months of sustainable and fair eating challenges to help ensure that everybody has enough food always. How? By taking up actions such as eating seasonal, organic, and sustainable foods; supporting small-scale farmers in developing countries; eating less meat and dairy; reducing food waste, and saving energy in the kitchen. The […] Read more »

Ask about #CloseTheGap on tonight’s #QandA

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples die 10-17 years younger than non-Indigenous Australians. In 2008 federal, state and territory governments all committed to close the life expectancy gap by 2030. This is a long term target and we are just starting to see results. How will each party ensure continued bipartisanship on this critical issue, […] Read more »

Land grabs: what’s the big deal?

Here’s a paradox for you: 870 million or 1 in 8 people are going hungry on our planet. But in the past decade, Oxfam research suggests global land deals have covered enough land to feed one billion people. So if there is – theoretically – enough land to feed the world’s hungry, where are we […] Read more »

Ian Thorpe asks Australian governments not to forget Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

The following letter from Ian Thorpe appeared in The Australian newspaper on Thursday 18th April 2013: Dear state, territory and federal government leaders, I got behind the Close the Gap campaign because I believed it’s totally unacceptable that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples die 10–17 years younger than non-Indigenous Australians. I believed that long-term commitments […] Read more »

Will COAG commit to Close the Gap?

Federal, state and territory governments must recommit to crucial Indigenous health funding at this Friday’s Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meeting, to ensure improvements in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health can continue. Continuing to fund the National Partnership Agreement on Indigenous Health should be on the agenda of this Friday’s COAG meeting, as it is […] Read more »

Our latest video. Inspired by Coldplay. Starring you.

Wow. We asked you – Coldplay fans, Oxfam supporters and creative geniuses – to send us photos and videos of ordinary things out of place, and you responded in thousands. You sent 7,000 pics and films, from 55 countries, in five continents! (What, no Coldplay fans in Antarctica?) Now, with Coldplay’s support, we’ve made a […] Read more »

Positive signs on aid from PM and Cabinet

Strategically loitering (with intent to lobby) before the commencement of the community cabinet in Perth we managed to catch up the Prime Minister Julia Gillard. We also talked to several cabinet ministers and other politicians to ask them to keep their promise to increase foreign aid. This was the second time Oxfam UWA president and […] Read more »