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400 turn out at Make Poverty History Perth forum with Julie Bishop

By Paddy Cullen, Campaigns Coordinator (WA)  Around 400 people crowded into the Subiaco Church of Christ last Tuesday (July 2) for a Q and A panel discussion on poverty and foreign aid with the shadow minister for foreign affairs Julie Bishop, Senator Scott Ludlam (Greens), Senator Louise Pratt (ALP) and Oxfam Chief Executive Dr Helen Szoke, who is […] Read more »

4500km Global Poverty Walk – the finish line

By Tom Maker – Campaigns & Events Management Intern A question I often hear in relation to an issue as immense as global poverty is ‘What can I, as an individual person do?’ The issue of global poverty needs more individuals like Matt Napier. Matt, a landscape gardener by trade, along with his incredible wife […] Read more »

Transparency and mining in Cambodia

Civil society, government and mining, oil and gas industry representatives gathered in Sydney last week at the 6th global Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) conference. The EITI is a global standard that promotes revenue transparency in the mining, oil and gas sector.  Transparency is the key to reducing corruption, conflict and poverty in resource-rich countries. […] Read more »

Less Meat = Greater Food Security

Did you know that Australians are the third largest meat eaters in the world? Only Luxembourg and the USA are bigger animal consumers. Wow. Did you also know that the livestock industry comes with a big greenhouse gas footprint – bigger than global transport? You may be pretty aware of this, and of the fact […] Read more »

Singing, cooking and a rally help launch GROW in Timor-Leste

Day 1. Monday June 3rd The GROW campaign launch in Timor-Leste got off to a great start today at the Good Local Food Expo in Dili. GROW got off to an ‘un-official’ start at 1am this morning with a traditional ceremony held by cultural leaders to bless the event and the work of GROW. At […] Read more »
Photo: Pablo Tosco/Intermon Oxfam

How can our political parties tackle global hunger this election?

By Clancy Moore Adriana is one of the many small-scale farmers around the world. However, in her village many people including young children and Adriana’s own son, Juandro, were going hungry. Chronic malnutrition is estimated to be as high as 60% in Timor-Leste. But change is happening. With help from Oxfam, Adriana’s village is tackling […] Read more »
Photo: Tony Nevado

Going bananas for Oxfam’s GROW campaign

  By Gavin Lower It’s not every day you get to dress up as a vegetable or a piece of fruit. But that’s what I signed up for when I joined Oxfam’s GROW campaign to spread the word about food security and collect petition signatures at farmers’ markets around Melbourne in May. As a loyal […] Read more »

GROWing a better future in Papua New Guinea

Last month, Oxfam launched its GROW campaign in Papua New Guinea and released two new short films that show how local activities in the Highlands are changing lives for the better. GROW is Oxfam’s global campaign to fix the broken food system. Around the world today, one in eight people go to bed hungry. By […] Read more »

The world is watching, will Australia do the right thing?

People all over the world stand to be impacted by the federal budget announcement next week. And just as the world watched the US election in 2012 knowing that the results would affect more than just US citizens, so too do Australia’s political actions have a ripple-on effect that reaches far beyond our own shores. […] Read more »

Teikei: putting the farmers’ face on food

We are moving on to our second challenge in the six months of GROW Challenges: to support small-scale farmers when we purchase food. A report released last week by the Hunger Alliance, a group of nine leading international development NGOs including Oxfam, showed that “the single most important thing governments can do to end global […] Read more »