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‘Eat Local Feed Global’ Melbourne Training Session

One in eight people go to bed hungry every day, so as World Food Day approaches join us in taking action in support of tackling global hunger. As part of this year’s ‘Eat Local Feed Global’ initiative, Oxfam invites you to share a meal with friends, family or workmates, and raise awareness about the role […] Read more »

Escaping an unjust food system

Viral film The Scarecrow raises awareness of the impacts of factory farming on the global food system. A three minute animated video that was released by American restaurant chain Chipotle last week has already been viewed over 5.8 million times on YouTube. The Scarecrow aims to educate people about the global food system and encourages people to […] Read more »

‘Eat Local Feed Global’ Perth Training Session

One in eight people go to bed hungry every day, so as World Food Day approaches join us in taking action in support of tackling global hunger. As part of this year’s ‘Eat Local Feed Global’ initiative, Oxfam invites you to share a meal with friends, family or workmates, and raise awareness about the role […] Read more »

Is Agroecology the answer to sustaining our food system?

Agriculture is a dominant force behind many environmental threats, including climate change, land scarcity and degradation, freshwater scarcity, biodiversity loss, degradation of forest and fishery resources, and contamination from agricultural chemicals. (FAO, 2013). The so-called “Green Revolution” of the 1960s was not so green at all, well environmentally speaking anyway.  Its legacy has been to […] Read more »

Moving on up: Changing the way big brands do business

The results are in Over 120,000 people taking action.  The world’s ten biggest food and beverage companies.  And one groundbreaking campaign. Combine these ingredients and what do you get? The beginnings of a significant shift towards a fairer food system for all. Today we are excited to announce the biggest set of changes to the […] Read more »

Eat Local Feed Global 2013

The world produces enough food to feed everyone yet 1 in 8 people go hungry. Astonishingly, 80% of the world’s hungry are involved in food production! There are things that you can do to improve injustices in the food system, and you can start by signing up to share a meal with your family, friends or […] Read more »

Africa Down Under: mining, agriculture and development

I have just returned from a week at Africa Down Under in Perth. The joint was jumping with mining and agriculture ministers from South Africa, Liberia, the DRC, Zambia, Mozambique Ghana and more. Add in the CEO’s of some of Australia’s most active mining companies in Africa, agricultural academics, and the scene was set to […] Read more »

Overseas aid, climate change and Indigenous health should remain priorities for the government

Overseas aid, climate change and its impact on global hunger, and Indigenous health remain important issues after the Coalition’s election win. We are hoping that an Abbott government will work with us on these key issues to improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable people – both here in Australia and overseas. We […] Read more »

Support small-scale farmers and feed communities

80%  of the 870 million people who go to bed hungry are involved in food production. They farm small plots of land. Tend cattle, fish, or even work as labourers. They are surrounded by the means to produce or collect food, yet they go hungry. Australian aid targeted at small-scale food producers can fight this […] Read more »

Why small-scale farmers are going hungry?

Did you know that 98% of people think we live in a world of statistics? Whilst I just made that statistic up, I’ve found myself drowning in whirlpool of statistics and figures this election. From Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott’s approval (or disapproval) ratings, potential swings in marginal seats and claims about budget black holes, […] Read more »