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Fishing for a future

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These days community development is far more than just teaching a person to fish. In Cambodia it’s locally run fish ponds that are feeding families. Read more »

Sharing the basics

This is the sort of pump which is generally used in rental house areas, including my family’s home. This single pump is used by about 10 different rental houses (20-30 people). Because of the large amount of people using it sometimes the water comes up murky. Read more »

Mum: Making the most of it

Since the start of the fasting month my mother has been selling clothing to her friends at her factory. She purchases the clothes from outlets and makes a profit of between 5,000-10,000 Rupiah per item (60 cents to $1.15). From past experience my mother has sold at least 50 pieces. If only she had a bit more start-up capital, I’m sure she could get more clothing to sell. Read more »

Pchum Ben Festival: Respecting ancestors

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This weekend is the conclusion of the Pchum Ben festival, a 15-day period of reflection, paying respect to your ancestors and giving offerings to monks. Read more »

Just Scraping By: Everyday life around my home

As a worker on a low wage, sometimes I get scared when I imagine my future. I worry that when I am elderly my own situation won’t be that different from my neighbours. Even in their old age they have to work very hard just to scrape by. Read more »

Water filters: truly amazing

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Water filters have created a wave of excitement in Takeo Province, Cambodia. Part of a huge water-focused project supported by AusAID, the filters will be of most benefit to women and children. Read more »

Sustainable Change: Disaster Management

Disasters are happening everywhere, wreaking havoc across the globe. This week, I talked with San At about the impact of Oxfam’s disaster management program in Takeo province. Read more »

All about weddings

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I recently attended a friend’s wedding ceremony. The couple come from different ethnic backgrounds, which made this ceremony quite unique. The bride and groom had to change into four different outfits to pay their respects to each of the parents. They wore Sundanese dress (orange), Javanese dress (green), Lampung and Sumatra dress. In this photo the couple wears an Arabic costume and they are reading prayers from al-Qur’ān. Read more »

Independence Day Celebrations

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It has become a custom for Indonesians to commemorate Independence Day by holding competitions. This year the factory also held competitions for the workers inside its grounds. The competitions included panjat pinang (pole climbing) and a singing competition. Read more »

Less rain means less food

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The delay of wet season in rural Cambodia is agonising farmers, who can’t plant rice seedlings until there’s enough rain. The longer they’re forced to wait, the less food their families will have for the year ahead. Read more »