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Oxfam and partners begin Philippines emergency response

In the wake of the powerful Typhoon Bopha, known locally as Pablo, we have started an emergency response in the hardest hit communities on the southern island of Mindanao. Working with the Humanitarian Response Consortium – a group of local agencies – our key priorities include getting clean, safe drinking water to disaster-hit areas and […] Read more »

Doha must deliver for developing countries

Oxfam has hit the ground running at the UN Climate Conference in Doha (COP18).  The team, led by Oxfam Australia’s Kelly Dent, released a hard hitting report on the eve of the talks showing that rich countries have been stalling on promised financial assistance to developing nations. Progress on “climate finance” will be one of […] Read more »

Pay to Work: Corrupt practices cause mounting frustration

The other morning I spoke with some villagers who live in the district surrounding the Ching Luh factory. They told me about a local hustler who promotes factory recruitment. Potential applicants are asked for money ranging from 2-2.5 million rupiah (equivalent to two months of a factory workers’ full time wage). The hustler demanded upfront […] Read more »
Maria Loretha and her husband Jeremias Letor. Photo: Lara McKinley/OxfamAUS

Maria Loretha and the sorghum solution: part 2

In the second part of her interview, Indonesian lawyer-turned-farmer Maria Loretha talks about sorghum’s many benefits and its potential as a solution to food insecurity. Read more »

Stop the big brands cheating this Olympics! DIY soccer action guide

Whether it’s through longer working hours, higher production targets, shorter contracts or leaner real wages, too often global brands race to the bottom when it comes to the rights of workers making their products.But on the eve of the 2012 Olympics in London, many are convinced that global brands can do better. Campus groups around […] Read more »
Photo: Kieran Doherty/Oxfam

“Water is life for the world” — East Africa one year later

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A year since we launched our East Africa appeal, we bring you this incredible video and accompanying photos capturing a Turkana community’s delight as Oxfam builds them a borehole, bringing desperately needed fresh water to the village. Thank you to everyone who supported the appeal – your generosity helps change lives. Read more »

Tweet the world’s biggest arms exporters to support the Arms Trade Treaty!

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Join the Global Tweet-a-thon for the ATT! Supporters of a robust ATT will target the Twitter accounts of the US State department and Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for one hour each day, with key messages on why they too must support the treaty. Read more »

Challenging the Hunger Myths

Almost one billion people on our planet go to bed hungry every night. That’s close to one in every seven people, all around the world – but why does so much hunger exist in a world where others have plenty? Read more »

Play Fair at the Olympics

While our athletes prepare to go for gold at the London Olympics, the workers who make the clothes they wear are being forced to work excessive hours for poverty-level wages, a recent report has found. Oxfam is calling on the Australian Government to ensure workers who produce sportswear for Australia’s Olympic athletes are treated fairly. […] Read more »

Nestle – Not so pure

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Nestle claims to endorse the pure life, but dirty practices continue at the factories that produce its products Almost 10,000 people have joined the campaign to get Nestle to respect trade union rights in Indonesia. The IUF began the online campaign after 53 union members at the company’s factory in Panjang, Indonesia were fired as […] Read more »