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On World Refugee Day, Syria reminds us of the human cost of conflict

June 20th is World Refugee Day. It’s a time to remember the millions of men, women and children worldwide who have been displaced due to the threat of persecution, conflict and violence; to take stock of their enormous courage, strength and sacrifices. Read more »

Support Bangladeshi Workers

On Friday 7th June, Kmart and Target agreed to sign on to the Bangladesh Fire and Safety Accord. They are joining more than 40 companies internationally who have joined this important Accord so far. Read more »

The Australian Government needs to give urgently needed humanitarian aid to Syria

Millions of ordinary women, men and children are facing the brunt of Syria’s horrific war. The stories we hear are heart-breaking. Reema, for example, is only 12 years but has been through so much already. Her school was bombed and she was fortunate to survive – other children weren’t so lucky. Read more »

Volunteer supervisor profile: Sharon Settecasse

I also believe strongly in the approach we take in working with people to change or improve the circumstances they often have little choice in. The fact that we recognise that personal empowerment is critical in changing your own situation is a really important factor in my choice. Read more »

Sineth’s family struggle

Sineth and Khvan’s livelihood depends on their ability to farm rice in the fields every day. When we spoke to Sineth they had just experienced a very tough time. Read more »

6 reasons why Twitter is a teacher’s BFF

Twitter. It was the last thing I wanted to spend my time on. I already used Facebook so why would I need another social media platform to eat up my spare time and contribute to my procrastination regime? If you are an educator interested in active citizenship, global perspectives, development education, English, Geography, SOSE, HSIE, […] Read more »

Time to fulfil promises to millions of Syrians in need of assistance

There are promises and promises, but we get nothing, Fatima, a refugee from Syria, told one of my colleagues in Lebanon last week. Her counterparts in Jordan where I was visiting tell a very similar story. Read more »
Arms collection

Arms Trade Treaty finally in reach

For more than a decade, millions of people across the globe have campaigned for a global treaty to bring the poorly regulated international arms trade under control. This goal is now in reach. Read more »

Dumpster diving for dinner

By Tabitha Laffernis via 3things Dressed like a ninja in lavender Nikes and armed with an arsenal of plastic bags and dishwashing gloves, I was waiting for nightfall. In my living room were three of my closest friends, and we were brainstorming code names. She-Wolf, Raven and Lara Croft were all suggested, but we eventually […] Read more »
Bopha aftermath

Huge challenges lie ahead for typhoon-affected communities in the Philippines

The drive takes us through dramatic scenery. Destroyed houses, downed power lines, and kilometres of vast banana and coconut plantations, crushed by the massive gusts and rains brought by Typhoon Bopha. The nearly-ripe bananas, carefully wrapped in blue plastic bags, now languish forlorn in the mud. Read more »