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Make Poverty History Forum – Hasluck

On Sunday August 11, sitting MP Ken Wyatt will join Labor Candidate Adrian Evans and Greens Senator Scott Ludlam, to debate the question: “Does Australia do its fair share to end extreme poverty?” Date: Saturday, 11th August Time: Forum at 12:00pm (barbecue at 11:00am) Where: Kalamunda Church of Christ, 20 Mileti Rd in Lesmurdie Australian aid […] Read more »

Creative Ways to Save Energy

By Tori Sanderson, Oxfam GROW Team Intern This month’s GROW challenge on saving energy in the home has been one of the most popular GROW topics so far. It seems that most people are conscious of their energy consumption, and that everyone has different ways to manage it! Here are some of our favourite suggestions. When cooking […] Read more »

GROW Challenge #5: Watch your Waste

By Tori Sanderson, Oxfam GROW Team Intern There are 870 million hungry people in the world, but at least one third of the food that the world produces is wasted. Why is this? Where does all this food go? And what can we do to stop it? This month your GROW Challenge is for you to commit to […] Read more »

Avoiding waste in the kitchen

By Julie Goodwin – Oxfam GROW ambassador According to Foodwise, Australians waste about $8 billion of edible food per year. That figure is not only shocking in the economic sense, but also in the sheer magnitude of wasted resources that have gone into growing, creating, packaging, transporting and advertising that food. There are steps that each of us […] Read more »

Surprise over the Mekong Dams: Oxfam is Turning the Tide

The first thing that my supervisor did when I got back from my field trip last week was to place a two‑page document in my hands. ‘Take a close look at this’ he said smirking, and left. It was entitled Key consideration: food and nutrition security vulnerability to mainstream hydropower dam development in Cambodia. It […] Read more »

Australian Government increases aid for Syrian Crisis

The Australian Government has announced that they will be contributing an additional $21.5 million in humanitarian assistance for people affected by the conflict in Syria. This will make a dramatic difference for millions of people. Thank you to everyone who wrote a letter to Foreign Minister Bob Carr and Minister for International Development Melissa Parke. […] Read more »

Imagining a better future for the children of Syria

Our new video, above, was inspired by the much-loved children’s book Harold and the Purple Crayon. In the book, a small, intrepid boy takes himself on a night time adventure, following a moon and path of his own invention. Read more »

The Mekong Deal: The rich cash in, the poor pay

By Robin Narciso – an Oxfam volunteer in Phnom Penh What is extreme poverty? Living on under a dollar per day? When you see what the Mekong gives to its people, you understand how it is the river, not a couple of dollars that determines their survival. In Samphin, a small town in the Cambodian […] Read more »

Julie Goodwin: Eating less meat and dairy

By Julie Goodwin – Oxfam GROW ambassador It’s no secret that keeping livestock for meat and dairy products is a contributing factor to global warming.  So it naturally follows that less meat and dairy means less of the damaging greenhouse emissions that these products help to cause. However, meat and dairy are a deeply embedded […] Read more »

Meet Reema, a girl whose face you’ll never see

Reema lives in a single room in Lebanon with her parents and four siblings, in a building still under construction. There are piles of rubble all around, no windows, no comfort. Read more »