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Photo: Ainhoa Goma/OxfamAUS

Race to the climate summit

Climate change is the single biggest threat to winning the fight against hunger, and rich governments and the big food companies haven’t been doing enough to address it. Next week world leaders will meet in New York for an important summit on climate change. Please join millions of people around the world and take to the streets in support of action on climate change. Read more »
Photo: Oxfam AUS

Team spotlight: from volunteer to staff member

Oxfam’s Development Effectiveness Team (DET) is demonstrating that volunteers truly are the backbone of our organisation. Read more »

Upcoming events in SA

Films for Change Oxfam Film Fundraiser – 12 September BOYHOOD is a groundbreaking story of growing up as seen through the eyes of a child named Mason, who literally grows up on screen before our eyes. This drama charts the rocky terrain of childhood like no other film has before. Boyhood review. WHEN: 6.30 pm […] Read more »
Elizabeth and baby Swampy. Photo: Kieran Doherty/Oxfam

Famine looming over the people of South Sudan

Elizabeth and her five children live in a shared tent with 20 other people. Her husband was shot and killed, and her families’ home has since been burned down. Now, Elizabeth is worried about what will become of her and her children. Read more »
Photo: Caroline Gluck/Oxfam

Early warnings need early action in Somalia

In July 2011, Somalia claimed the first famine of the 21st century. Although there were clear warning signs many months in advance, the international community did not begin to respond at scale until the situation had already reached crisis point. Just three years later, Somalia is once again on the brink of relapsing into a serious food crisis. Read more »
Photo: Maya Hautefeuille

A letter from Lebanon for Eid

This week marks Eid, the important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide that brings to an end the Islamic holy month of fasting, Ramadan. This is a bitter sweet celebration for millions of people as conflict continues across the Middle East. Read more »
Photo: OxfamAUS

Volunteer spotlight: Linda Kernan from Oxfam Shop

Linda Kernan has been volunteering at the Fremantle Oxfam Shop for almost 8 years, starting back in October 2006. We ask her what she loves about volunteering. Read more »
Photo: Jen Duffy/Oxfam AU

“The most breathtaking sight I have ever seen”

Thanks to Inspired Adventures, two teams of incredible Oxfam supporters have attempted the Mount Kilimanjaro Summit —raising an incredible $185,000 for Oxfam’s development work around the world. Read a first-hand account about their adventure. Read more »
Photo: Isabel Cane/Oxfam AU

Women’s rights undermined

Links between gender based violence (GBV) and mining have been documented in many parts of the world. However, there is very little research that examines the scale of GBV in mine affected communities and the social and structural aspects that cause GBV. Until now. Read more »
Former Straight Talk participants, Lefan Jard and Vonda Moar-Malone at the Oxfam offices in Melbourne. They are now members of our Steering Group for 2013 Straight Talk. Photo: Lara McKinley

How you can get involved with NAIDOC week

NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across Australia. It’s not only celebrated in Indigenous communities but by Australians from all walks of life. Read more »