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Poster design to change the world

The Oxfam Schools Program has released a new, interactive, online and free educational resource, which explores the power of posters to change the world. Read the inside story behind the illustrator and design. Read more »

Ethical gifts for Valentine’s Day

Oxfam Shop has a wonderful selection of gifts, good for hearts everywhere this Valentine’s Day. Read more »
Tully Close the Gap

Schools in Action: Tully State School Close the Gap on Indigenous Health Inequality

Students at Tully State School in Northern Queensland were given ownership over their National Close the Gap Day event, and managed to grab the attention of their entire community. Read more »

It’s time to target the obscene profits of the super-rich

Just eight billionaires are as wealthy as the poorest half of humanity, showing that the global inequality crisis is more extreme than we had feared. It is clear the current economic system is broken, serving the interests of multinational corporations and the super-rich. Read more »

Sol’s second chance

Sol Bellear, a Land Rights legend and a pioneer of Aboriginal media, sports legal and health services, says that nothing now matters as much to him as overcoming heart disease amongst Aboriginal men. Read more »

Trekking Larapinta to Close the Gap

For Geoffrey Leeson, his 120km treck along the Larapinta Trail was about much more than the physical challenge and taking in the beautiful scenery. It was for a cause very close to his heart. Read more »

Thank you for all the reasons to celebrate

2016 may be remembered as a year of turmoil. But thanks to you, there are more reasons to celebrate, smile, play and rejoice. Read more »

Oxfam and Coldplay join forces to support people’s Right to Refuge

This December Coldplay has invited Oxfam on the road for their five Australian tour dates to raise awareness of the biggest humanitarian crisis in living memory. Read more »

New: Oxfam Unwrapped Artist Series range

This Christmas, we’ve teamed up with an international smorgasbord of talented artists to produce a range of beautiful, unique charity gift cards. Read more »

Aussie fashion brands: what’s with transparency?

This year, the focus of our ‘Naughty or Nice’ list is transparency. But we know transparency in itself doesn’t automatically equal fair treatment of workers, so why are we using it? Read more »