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10 years ago my father founded ICAN. Now it won the Nobel Peace Prize

Oxfam Australia’s Daisy Gardener shares how she felt when she discovered that the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear weapons, an organisation co-founded by her father, won the Nobel Peace Prize. Read more »

The shameful truth behind the clothes we love

Oxfam has just released research that exposes the shameful truth – a tiny portion of the retail price of clothing goes to the women who make them. During a trip to Bangladesh, Helen Szoke visited the homes of women and describes what she found. Read more »

Families pray for food and water in Timor-Leste

After years of punishing weather, the hungry season has well and truly taken hold of families like Maria’s. Read more »

Teaching Controversial Issues: New PD Workshop for Teachers from Oxfam

Recently Oxfam’s own Schools Program Coordinator Annalise De Mel presented a workshop on teaching controversial issues at a UNESCO global citizenship education conference in Seoul, South Korea. Read more »

Meet the women in Ghana who are turning honey into money

Augustina, a mother of three, is defying tradition and gender inequality in rural Ghana, with her own thriving honey business. Read more »

Helping Ghana’s poorest women turn money into honey

Augustina’s life was soured by hunger and uncertainty, until she was empowered, with the help of Oxfam, to start her own honey business. Read more »

In rural Ghana, the greatest burden is carried by women

In rural Ghana, the pangs of the Hungry Season are felt in all corners of the community. But the greatest burden is felt by women. Read more »

Women face hunger and hardship in rural Ghana

In rural Ghana, the odds are stacked against women like Beatrice. Unable to take part in the agriculture that sustains the region Beatrice breaks rocks to sell as gravel to get by — and still, her grandchildren go hungry. Read more »

A race against time: how Oxfam is fighting cholera in Yemen

Two years of war have plunged Yemen into one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises and put the country at risk of famine. Now it is at the mercy of a deadly and rapidly spreading cholera epidemic that is killing one person nearly every hour. If not contained it will threaten the lives of thousands of people in the coming months. Read more »

Close to home: The climate crisis in the Torres Strait

Torres Strait Islanders have contributed almost nothing to the causes of climate change, but are being hit first and hardest by its impacts. We visited the archipelago earlier this month to meet with communities and hear their experiences. Read more »