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National Reconciliation Week – a time for truth-telling

The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria — established in an historic first in 2019 as the elected voice for Aboriginal people and communities in future Treaty discussions — has supported the Victorian Government to launch a truth and justice commission. Read more »

Beating COVID: how Aboriginal communities mobilised to fight the pandemic

When the threat of COVID-19 became fully apparent last year, First Peoples health organisations across Australia swung quickly into action to prevent devastating effects in their communities. Read more »
Kangaroo hopping away from bushfires

Australia is learning firsthand what our neighbours have suffered for years

The bushfires have shown us what climate change looks like. A reality millions are facing today all over the world. We reflect on the crisis and what we can do today. Read more »
Oxfam Australia Straight Talk

A proud, straight-talking woman

For too long, the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women have been unheard in Australia’s political landscape. But we’re working with partner organisation Aarnja to make sure that women like Bev Walley are heard, loud and clear. Read more »

Working with our First Peoples – a history

In this edited extract from the book Practical Visionaries, Susan Blackburn explains how Oxfam’s predecessor, Community Aid Abroad (CAA), began working with Aboriginal communities in Australia more than 40 years ago. Read more »
Photo: mjmediabox / Alamy Stock Photo

Change the date

As one of the most ethnically diverse nations in the world, Australia Day has become a way of celebrating everything that is great about living in our prosperous, safe and cohesive society. But the current choice of 26 January as Australia’s national day is deeply problematic for many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Read more »

For Australia’s UN appointment to have credibility, we need lasting reconciliation with our First Peoples

For Australia’s appointment to the United Nations Human Rights Council to have any credibility, the Government should address the significant issues confronting our First Peoples. Read more »

Close to home: The climate crisis in the Torres Strait

Torres Strait Islanders have contributed almost nothing to the causes of climate change, but are being hit first and hardest by its impacts. We visited the archipelago earlier this month to meet with communities and hear their experiences. Read more »

6 quotes that show why Indigenous leaders should be in charge of Indigenous policy

As notable Indigenous representatives met in Uluru last week they delivered a statement from the heart: “In 1967 we were counted, in 2017 we seek to be heard.” And as these inspiring quotes by influential Indigenous leaders show, it’s time the government listened. Read more »

“We need to have a say in what happens to our kids”

Born and bred in Alice Springs, Donna began her leadership journey at the age of 17, motivated to address the needs of young people in curbing anti-social behaviour. She says Oxfam’s Straight Talk program has given her the tools to become an influencer in her community and stand up for the rights of Aboriginal people. Read more »