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Indonesia: A bird’s eye view of Mekko village. Kyo Umareta/Oxfam

What is loss and damage?

Loss and damage (L&D) is the term used for climate impacts which cannot be or have not been mitigated or adapted to. The “loss” refers to things that are irreversibly lost such as lives, a way of living or historical sites, while the “damage” refers to things that can be repaired or recovered such as […] Read more »
Gaza: Fidaa Shurrab, Director of Projects at Atfaluna for Deaf Society in Rafah stands in front of a destroyed building in Gaza strip while going to work. Photo: Alef Multimedia/Oxfam

What the women of Gaza want you to know this International Women’s Day

This Friday 8 March is International Women’s Day. It’s a day to honour women and their achievements while noting that our society is still not a safe, equal place for women. This is especially true for women living through humanitarian crises.  In times of crisis and conflict, women face unique challenges. These can include an […] Read more »
Milena smiles at the and makes a peace sign with her hands. Milena is from Youth Empowerment for Future (YEFF), who are advocating for a more diversified economy and specific budgetary support for agriculture in Timor-Leste, at their farm in Hera, outside Dili.

Your view of the world — captured and shared

In October 2023, we sent our six-monthly Supporter Satisfaction Survey out to a representative group of our most active supporters to help us understand what we’re doing well, and what we could improve on. It specifically addressed overall satisfaction as well as supporter effort. This gave us learnings and feedback that we can build into […] Read more »
Hilda, a climate activist, holds her open palm to the camera. Her palm has 'pay' written on it. The changes to the stage-three tax cuts are a step forward, but more needs to be done to address inequality.

Make Tax Fair: Stage-three tax cuts

Oxfam has been part of a movement of organisations advocating against the unfair stage-three tax cuts, which would have deepened inequality in Australia. The Government’s changes are a substantial improvement, but they won’t solve the inequality problem in Australia. Here’s how we’re working to make tax fair.  In recent weeks, the Albanese Government has announced […] Read more »
Obby stands smiling at the camera in front of some trees in Yawuru (Broome), Australia. Obby participated in the KAWC Roundtable in Broome, 2023. She is a proud Bunuba woman from Fitzroy Crossing.

Combining culture with technology: Obby’s story 

Thanks to committed supporters like you, Oxfam proudly partners with the Kimberley Aboriginal Women’s Council (KAWC). At the Council’s November 2023 Roundtable in Broome, we met Obby Bedford, who kindly shared her story with us. I am a Bunuba-speaking Miluwindi-clan woman from Fitzroy crossing. I grew up there, left for school, and now I’m back […] Read more »
Jacquline stands in a garden in Vanuatu. Jacquline is a graduate of Youth Challenge Vanuatu's (YCV) Ready for Work program, which is run in partnership with Oxfam. She now works at the ombudsman office in Vanuatu.

Together we are stronger

For over 30 years, Oxfam, the community organisations we partner with and people like you have worked in Vanuatu to reduce inequality and increase opportunities for women, the LGBTQI+ community and people with disabilities. Here’s how we’re supporting people to come together, learn new skills and challenge harmful social norms.   We believe that everyone deserves […] Read more »
Syria: A man and his two young children from Aleppo's rural get winter supplies like blankets and coats from Oxfam to cope with the cold season. Photo: Islam Mardini/ Oxfam

Türkiye and Syria Earthquake 2023: Oxfam’s response 1 year on

One year after the devastating earthquakes struck Syria and Türkiye, Oxfam and our partners have supported over 2 million people with clean water, sanitation systems, cash, hygiene items and clothes and blankets, food, and services to help people at risk of gender-based violence.  The 7.8 magnitude earthquake and the aftershocks that followed killed nearly 56,000 […] Read more »
Scrap the unfair stage-three tax cuts!

Inequality Inc. 

The wealth of the three richest Australians, Gina Rinehart, Andrew Forrest and Harry Triguboff, has more than doubled since 2020 at a staggering rate of $1.5 million per hour. Meanwhile 5 billion people are poorer thanks to the pandemic, war and climate change impacts.  Looking just at the world’s five richest men, they have been […] Read more »
Melbourne Trailwalker 2023. Teams get ready to start the 100km trail. Photo: Sam Biddle/Oxfam

This is what our supporters helped achieve in 2023

As we go into 2024, we wanted to give a warm thank you to the supporters who donated their time, money and energy in 2023 to help tackle the inequalities that fuel poverty.  In the past 12 months our supporters, alongside the partners who help deliver our projects, the community groups they work with and […] Read more »
Manila: People in a waterside house raised on stilts in an informal settlement in Manila. Photo: Robin Hammond/Panos

Climate Equality: A Planet for the 99% 

The richest 1% emit as much carbon pollution as two-thirds of humanity This is one of the shocking findings of Oxfam’s landmark ‘Climate Equality: A Planet for the 99%’ report released ahead of the annual United Nations international climate change conference COP28.    We also found that it would take about 1,500 years for someone in […] Read more »