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Hilda, a climate activist, holds her open palm to the camera. Her palm has 'pay' written on it. The changes to the stage-three tax cuts are a step forward, but more needs to be done to address inequality.

Make Tax Fair: Stage-three tax cuts

Oxfam has been part of a movement of organisations advocating against the unfair stage-three tax cuts, which would have deepened inequality in Australia. The Government’s changes are a substantial improvement, but they won’t solve the inequality problem in Australia. Here’s how we’re working to make tax fair.  In recent weeks, the Albanese Government has announced […] Read more »

“My mother taught us not to run when you are scared”

Berta Cáceres was brutally murdered on 2 March 2016. Why and by whom? Two months after her death there have been arrests, but investigations need to continue. The answers are clear however, to her daughter Bertha and the members of Berta’s organisation. Read more »

How exposed is your bank?

The big four banks could be endangering human rights and our environment. While we outline some positive first steps by some of the banks, none have yet adopted a zero tolerance for land grabs approach. Read more »

The ledger’s not good: the hidden costs behind our banks’ unreal profits

The big four banks’ ledger is not good. Last year, ANZ, CBA, NAB and Westpac announced the unreal combined profit of $30.8 billion. But this unreal profit came at a very real cost. Read more »
Banks must take a zero tolerance approach to land grabs

Big banks beware: there are now no excuses

Oxfam’s new report describes how Australia’s big four banks can construct an approach with zero tolerance for land grabs. Read more »
Goreti Kirua from Papua New Guinea’s East Sepik region (pictured) holding payment papers she received from a logging company. “Foreigners forced us to sign consent forms; then they destroyed our forest,” says Goreti. Photo: Vlad Sokhin/OxfamAUS

Our banks need to listen and act!

Land grabs are not only plunging affected communities into poverty; it’s also bad for business. Shona Hawkes, Sustainable Food Advocacy Coordinator, is in Chiang Mai. Shona is joining hundreds of people from across Asia at the Land Deals Politics Initiative (LDPI) conference to better understand how, and why, land grabbing is happening — and more importantly, what can be done to stop it. Read more »
The Guarani-Kaiowa people are still fighting for their land in Brazil. Photo: Eduardo Martino/OxfamAus

Banking on shaky ground: one year on

Communities unfairly forced off their land are plunged into poverty. They often face the threat of violence for speaking out as well as food shortages, inadequate housing and poor health. In the year that’s passed since the release of our land grabs report, Australian customers and investors have shown they care deeply that their bank respects land rights. Read more »
Photo: Dennis Kuhlmann/OxfamAus

What has ANZ done (and not done) on land grabs?

People often tell us that the bank response to their email about land grabs is confusing and full of jargon. Lately we’ve had a lot of questions about ANZ. Below is a recap of what ANZ has done, and not done, since Oxfam launched its Banking on Shaky Ground report in April. Read more »
Photo: Eduardo Martino/OxfamAUS

Seen 60 Minutes? Now put pressure on CBA and ANZ to adopt zero tolerance to land grabs

Together, we’ve been campaigning for six months to have Australia’s Big 4 Banks change their policies to land grabs. In the past two weeks both NAB and Westpac have taken steps to reduce their risk of backing companies involved in land grabs. Now, the pressure is on the Commonwealth Bank of Australia and the ANZ Bank. Read more »
Photo: Vlad Sohkin/OxfamAUS

Two of the big four banks take action to respect land rights

Westpac and National Australia Bank (NAB) have become the first of the big four banks to release a policy on land grabs — a significant step forward to stop unfair land deals that leave people around the world homeless and hungry. Read more »