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75 years to achieve equal pay is too long

Women can expect to wait another 75 years before they receive the same amount of pay as their male counterparts. That’s according to Oxfam’s new report, The G20 and gender equality – How the G20 can advance women’s rights in employment, social protection and fiscal policies  which highlights the role of the G20 group of countries […] Read more »
Photo: Anastasia Taylor-Lind/Oxfam

What does it feel like to be a refugee?

What does it feel like to be a refugee, forced to flee to an unfamiliar country and dependent on humanitarian assistance to survive? How do you know where to turn, who to trust for accurate information and how to meet the basic needs of your family? Read more »
Samoa, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Jamaica, Luxembourg, Burkina Faso, Belgium, Australia, and Austria Ratify the Arms Trade Treaty. Photo Credit: Champion Hamilton/Champion Eye Media/Control Arms.

Australia ratifies historic Arms Trade Treaty: Now let’s ensure it makes a difference

Australia’s ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty should be celebrated. In this blog, Oxfam Australia’s Humanitarian Advocacy Coordinator, Ben Murphy, outlines the next steps for Australia to help end illicit arms deals that fuel conflicts in places like Syria and South Sudan. Read more »

Rapidly growing inequality is worsening poverty around the world

A new report from Oxfam sheds light on rapidly growing extreme inequality and how it worsens poverty around the world, as Prime Minister Tony Abbott prepares to spruik Australia’s G20 agenda at the World Economic Forum in Davos this week. The report, Working for the Few, shows that the wealth of the world is divided […] Read more »

‘Mining has a masculine face’ – the impact of mining on women

By Christina Hill, Mining Advocacy Coordinator Oxfam’s work shows that the impacts of mining are not gender neutral. Women often experience the negative impacts of mining more than men, and rarely receive the benefits that men do. What do these gendered impacts look like in Indonesia? Do small ‘cowboy’ mining companies – which are dominant […] Read more »