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Photo: Yusuf Ahmad/Oxfam

Rising inequality hits home for Australia

Next year the richest 1% of people in the world will have more wealth than the other 99% of people. Australia can be part of the solution to global inequality – but it means not turning our back on the world’s poorest people. Read more »
Photo: Oxfam International

The end of UNFCCC COP20 in Peru: What will it take for governments to act?

After two weeks of splitting hairs over key elements of a new climate treaty at the UN climate talks here in Lima, governments failed once again to put the world on a pathway to keep global warming under control. It is sobering to think that this same process of UN climate negotiations started 20 years ago! What will it take for governments to act? Read more »
Celia Aldana/Oxfam

Climate change is not just about the climate, it is about our lives

As representatives from more than 195 governments around the world come together in Lima, Peru this week to work on drafting a global treaty on climate change, they should heed the words of Peruvian farmer Marisa Marcavillaca: “Climate change is not just about the climate, it is about our lives.” Read more »
Photo: Oxfam

Crucial climate negotiations in Lima

Last weekend activists unveiled a banner at Huaca Pucllana, the site of an ancient pyramid in Lima, Peru ahead of the UN climate conference starting this week. The message to leaders and rich countries like Australia is clear — we must do more. Read more »
Photo: Jerry Galea/OxfamAUS

Gender, arms and security in the Pacific

Today marks 16 days of activism against gender-based violence. The new report “Arms, Security and Gender in the Pacific” by Pacific Small Arms Action Group, makes eight key policy recommendations to help Pacific Island governments effectively integrate gender into policy and practice on arms and security. Read more »
Photo: Vlad Sohkin/OxfamAUS

Hundreds of hours spent researching finance links

Over the course of a year, Oxfam has spent hundreds of hours researching and documenting links between Australia’s big banks and multinational agriculture and timber businesses that are land grabbing in some of the world’s poorest communities. Since our report was issued both the NAB and Westpac have developed policies to better respond to the issue of land grabs. Read more »
Photo: Abbie Traylor-Smith

Community voice largely absent in resettlement

Despite claims of community engagement, opportunities for communities to meaningfully participate in decision-making processes that impact on their land and livelihoods are rare, with women and young people facing additional exclusion. Read more »
Photo: Tica Vieria/OxfamAUS

The politics of poverty and the new consensus for equality

In the lead up the G20 Leaders’ Summit in November, Oxfam Australia CEO Dr Helen Szoke spoke at The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre in Adelaide about the threat posed by extreme inequality and the opportunity that tackling it represents. Below follows an edited excerpt from Dr Helen Szoke’s speech. Right now, we live in […] Read more »
Photo: Peter Caton/OxfamAus

Support for women farmers could help us beat hunger

By Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director, Oxfam International. Across South Asia and Southeast Asia, millions of small family farms are the bedrock of national food security. But the pressure on these farmers is increasing. Population growth is not slowing, demand for land for development is accelerating, and agricultural productivity seems to be reaching a plateau. When […] Read more »
Photo: Worawan Sukraroek/Oxfam

Know your rights: free, prior and informed consent.

By Robin Narciso, Communications and Information Officer Phnom Penh & Worawan Sukraroek, Regional Policy Advisor. Free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) is  a critical tool to promote indigenous rights. At Oxfam , we define FPIC as a principle to ensure that all affected communities, including non-indigenous ones, are informed and give their consent prior to […] Read more »