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Hilda, a climate activist, holds her open palm to the camera. Her palm has 'pay' written on it. The changes to the stage-three tax cuts are a step forward, but more needs to be done to address inequality.

Make Tax Fair: Stage-three tax cuts

Oxfam has been part of a movement of organisations advocating against the unfair stage-three tax cuts, which would have deepened inequality in Australia. The Government’s changes are a substantial improvement, but they won’t solve the inequality problem in Australia. Here’s how we’re working to make tax fair.  In recent weeks, the Albanese Government has announced […] Read more »

Oxfam Australia – Supporter Satisfaction Survey 2023 

As an organization committed to fighting poverty and injustice, we strive to provide the best possible experience for our supporters, and supporter feedback has always been invaluable in helping us achieve this goal.  This year we are going a step further – we are introducing our inaugural supporter satisfaction survey. Our supporters’ responses will help […] Read more »

Survival of the Richest: How billionaires are amassing eye-watering wealth amid crisis

Oxfam has today revealed that the richest 1% of Australians have accumulated 10 times more wealth than the bottom 50% in the past decade, as cost-of-living pressures bite and global inequality spikes. Survival of the Richest is published on the opening day of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Elites are gathering in the […] Read more »

Hunger in a heating world

A year and a half since the pandemic began, deaths from hunger are outpacing the virus. Ongoing conflict, combined with the economic disruptions of the pandemic and an escalating climate crisis, has deepened poverty and catastrophic food insecurity in the world’s hunger hotspots and established strongholds in new epicentres of hunger. Read more »
A woman rows a boat over a swelling river

Even the scales: Everyone deserves a fair go in the fight against the climate crisis 

The climate crisis hurts those who are least responsible for causing it and who are also least equipped to protect themselves from it. In short, vulnerable communities at the forefront of the crisis are reeling to survive a nightmare they didn’t create. Small island nations, such as the Solomon Islands and Fiji, account for 0.5% of […] Read more »

What She Makes movement on IWD

Women everywhere should have access to period products, nutritious food and be free to exercise and move their body, allowing them a healthy and dignified life. But many women who make our clothes can’t afford basic necessities. Many have to work long hours over a sewing machine due to low wages, resulting in painful injuries […] Read more »
Adriana Wale - Image Credit: Collin Leafasia/Oxfam

IPCC report: climate change is already hurting the world’s most vulnerable

This new report on climate change shows that the impacts of global warming are not something in the distant future, but are happening now. In fact those suffering the most from these consequences are the ones who contribute the less to climate change. Read more »
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Climate justice is about more than emissions reductions

Funding required to support low-income countries to mitigate and adapt to climate change, also known as climate finance, as well as funding to compensate for its irreversible consequences, known as loss and damage funding, is more important than ever.  Read more »

Bridging the climate finance gap on the road to Glasgow

It is essential that countries make commitments at COP26 that will limit global warming to 1.5°C and avoid devastating impacts to lives and livelihoods. Read more »

Keeping 1.5°C alive in the lead up to COP26

In August we saw the release of the report from the International Panel on Climate Change. It provides the latest information on past warming and future warming projections, showing how and why the climate has changed to date, and including an improved understanding of how humans have influenced the climate. Read more »