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Occupied Palestinian Territory

In the Occupied Palestinian Territory (the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip), nearly a quarter of people live below the poverty line, with their prospects for work, and a safe, healthy life severely limited by Israeli occupation. The burden of the conflict and the ongoing occupation are causing debilitating hardship for communities. […] Read more »
Photo: Adrian Hatrick/Oxfam


The impact of the Syria crisis on Lebanon is immense and multidimensional. Up to 1.5 million Syrians, about a quarter of the Lebanese population, have taken refuge in Lebanon since the conflict started in March 2011. The massive population influx has put huge pressure on the labour market and employment, whilst also driving up living […] Read more »
Photo: Sam Tarling/Oxfam


The on-going crises in Syria and Iraq has seen unprecedented numbers of refugees flowing into Jordan. Syrian refugees now make up roughly 10% of Jordan’s population, with the majority living outside of formal camps in urban areas throughout the country and becoming more vulnerable the longer they are displaced The Syria crisis continues to devastate lives. […] Read more »


Poverty is as real in this country as it is in developing countries. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples remain the most significantly disadvantaged group in Australia. Decades of racism and dispossession are reflected in the disproportionate levels of poverty, unemployment, chronic illness, disability, lower life expectancy and incarceration. Oxfam Australia works with and alongside […] Read more »


Despite being the third largest economy in the world, India has high rates of poverty, maternal mortality and malnutrition. Much of the population are unable to access health, education and other essential services to flourish. India is also highly vulnerable to natural disasters. Poverty is something more than a lack of income, health and education. […] Read more »


Pakistan’s performance against international indicators on poverty, inequality, exclusion and vulnerability reveals significant challenges. Gender inequality in Pakistan is prevalent and deep rooted. As a result, women are often unable to assert their social, economic and political rights. Furthermore, with around 136 million (70% of its population) people acutely exposed to natural hazards, Pakistan ranks […] Read more »