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Christmas tree sales are now closed

UPDATE DEC 2018: After 30 successful years of community support, we have decided not to continue running the Oxfam Christmas Tree campaign. Through our Oxfam community this campaign has raised an incredible amount to tackle poverty around the world. However, it requires a significant amount of time and resources to bring it to life and so we’ve made the decision to invest in other new fundraising activities.

If you wish to buy a live tree again this year, every state has different local organisations which sell live trees often including the Scouts. You can continue to support Oxfam this Christmas by buying fairtrade Christmas decorations, gifting an Oxfam Unwrapped card or donating to our December Appeal to help protect families in Zambia from cholera

Thank you for purchasing your trees from Oxfam and we wish you a happy festive season.

To all the wonderful people who have bought an Oxfam Christmas tree for 2017, we thank you! Sales are now closed.

Please visit again in October 2018 for information on how to get your tree for Christmas this year.