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Scrap the unfair stage-three tax cuts!

Inequality Inc. 

Melbourne Trailwalker 2023. Teams get ready to start the 100km trail. Photo: Sam Biddle/Oxfam

This is what our supporters helped achieve in 2023

Manila: People in a waterside house raised on stilts in an informal settlement in Manila. Photo: Robin Hammond/Panos

Climate Equality: A Planet for the 99% 

2023 ACFID Conference: Left to right: Daniel Respall, Rod Goodbun, Melissa Bungcaras, Anthea Spinks, Tiara Permadi, Elsa Carnaby, Josie Lee. Photo: Oxfam

Oxfam leads with big ideas at the 2023 ACFID Conference

5 Essential Features Of Sustainable Cities And Eco-Cities

Lavenia, Zedi and Usaia (L-R) address parliamentarians at an event in the Parliament house. Photo: Oxfam Aus.

Safe Climate, Equal Future Tour 2023

When calamity equals major profit: why a windfall tax is the fairest way to ensure everybody benefits when big business booms

Embedding Equality in the Loss and Damage Fund 

Pakistan: Samjho gets a hand pump in her village. Photo: Tooba Niazi/Oxfam

Oxfam’s 2022 Pakistan Flood Relief

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