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Palestinian Territory, Occupied: Children and their families are returning to their homes or the remains of their homes to check the status of their homes. Photo: Alef Multimedia Company/Oxfam
Photo: OxfamAUS

December 14, 2009

Q&A with Australia’s Ambassador on climate change

UN Climate Tracker Phil Ireland interviews Louise Hand, Australia’s Ambassador on climate change.

Photo: OxfamAUS

December 12, 2009

What is Australia doing? Watch a video update on day 5 of the negotiations

With all that is going on I thought we should hear from a friend from the Global South. Watch this...

Photo: OxfamAUS

December 10, 2009

Guest Blog: Tuvalu demands real deal

Today, a guest post from the Australian Youth Climate Coalition on the people of Tuvalu, one of the most severely...

Photo: OxfamAUS

December 7, 2009

As we go to Copenhagen

After months of anticipation, I am finally in Copenhagen. The question on everyone’s mind is: ‘will Copenhagen result in a...

Photo: Richard Kendal/OxfamAUS

October 19, 2009

The Fitzroy Stars Football Club

The Fitzroy Stars are an Aboriginal football club based in Melbourne. The club promotes health and fitness, and also helps...

Oxfam Australia Logistics Advisor Graham Kenna checks stock in the new emergency supply chain warehouse in Brisbane. Photo: Ronne Wright/OxfamAUS

September 11, 2009

Faster disaster response

Oxfam Australia Logistics Advisor Graham Kenna checks stock in the new emergency supply chain warehouse in Brisbane. Photo: Ronnie Wright/OxfamAUS...