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Indonesia: A bird’s eye view of Mekko village. Kyo Umareta/Oxfam

What is loss and damage?

Cambodia: Siphon is a community activist who was trained and coached by 3SPN to advocate for community issues with the local authorities. She is a leader in her community and a part of the local fisheries network. Photo: Patrick Moran/Oxfam

Siphon’s story

Balaka district, Malawi: Angela writes her name on the classroom blackboard at a primary school in Balaka district, Malawi. Photo credit: Veronica Mwale/Oxfam in Southern Africa

Transforming education, transforming lives in Southern Africa

Milena smiles at the and makes a peace sign with her hands. Milena is from Youth Empowerment for Future (YEFF), who are advocating for a more diversified economy and specific budgetary support for agriculture in Timor-Leste, at their farm in Hera, outside Dili.

Your view of the world — captured and shared

An Oxfam water container is filled with clean water in Gaza. Displaced People in Rafah in South Gaza to use the newly installed desalination units Oxfam and local partners provided. These units provide clean drinking water for free with no risk of contamination.

The current situation in Gaza 

Hilda, a climate activist, holds her open palm to the camera. Her palm has 'pay' written on it. The changes to the stage-three tax cuts are a step forward, but more needs to be done to address inequality.

Make Tax Fair: Stage-three tax cuts

Obby stands smiling at the camera in front of some trees in Yawuru (Broome), Australia. Obby participated in the KAWC Roundtable in Broome, 2023. She is a proud Bunuba woman from Fitzroy Crossing.

Combining culture with technology: Obby’s story 

Jacquline stands in a garden in Vanuatu. Jacquline is a graduate of Youth Challenge Vanuatu's (YCV) Ready for Work program, which is run in partnership with Oxfam. She now works at the ombudsman office in Vanuatu.

Together we are stronger

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