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Two volunteers stand in the aisles of a bookshop.

Our volunteers

  • In 2023, 689 volunteers contributed 21,488 hours of their time
  • 511 volunteers assisted at events alone and contributed 3,538 hours of their time
  • Based on the above figures, our estimated volunteer contribution in 2023 represented a dollar equivalent of $1.07 million in productivity or 12.8 full-time salaried positions at Oxfam
  • In 2023, volunteers and interns were based in six states and territories across Australia
  • The value of contributions made by volunteers completing 10 shifts can enable Oxfam to help support a delegation of Pacific Islanders to travel to, and be heard at, the UN’s annual climate conference (COP).


Volunteers contribute to many areas of our organisation — in our offices, at events, and in the community. They help raise funds, campaign for change, provide administrative support, support with running our events and offer their skills, time, and experience to help us carry out our work.

There are many roles we have on offer throughout the year including:

  • Opportunities volunteering in our offices in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane or remotely across Australia supporting Oxfam with admin, project management, logistics, IT support and research
  • Flexible roles as part of our Micro Volunteering Program
  • Event roles at our final Trailwalker event which will be held this year   in Melbourne.
  • Community roles as part of an Oxfam supporter group if you are based in Adelaide or Perth.

Check out our volunteer vacancies page to register your interest or apply for a role.

We also host a limited number of internships at Oxfam Australia. These are taken up by tertiary students who are required to undertake formal volunteering positions to complete their studies.

Please note that our internships are reserved for students enrolled in Australian universities only. Internships are a three-way formal agreement between Oxfam Australia, the tertiary institution, and the student. They are unpaid placements and can be taken up by students at any time throughout the year.

Oxfam Micro Volunteering Program

Oxfam Australia launched our Micro Volunteering Program in 2023 to enable more flexible and innovative forms of volunteering.

Micro volunteering is a form of voluntary action whereby people complete shorter, more general tasks and projects which translate into a more direct and immediate impact for organisations.

Volunteers as part of this program have completed a range of tasks across the organisation including research, administration, user testing, design, and project management. Vacancies to join the program as a volunteer are open periodically throughout the year.

Oxfam Trailwalker Event Volunteering

We are immensely grateful to receive the help of many dedicated event volunteers who assist us with our Oxfam Trailwalker events each year.

Volunteers have been long contributed to the success of our Trailwalker events and support Oxfam with completing a variety of roles such helping out at our checkpoints, marshalling walkers, trail marking or as one of the wonderful allied health volunteers who ensure our walkers are happy and healthy during the event.

Head to the Oxfam Trailwalker website to find out more about taking part in our final Trailwalker event in Melbourne this coming March.

Learn about how we recruit, train, recognise and safeguard our volunteers.