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Make Poverty History Dickson Forum

Image: Richard Kendall/OxfamAUS

In developing countries, one billion people don’t have access to safe drinking water. This contributes to 17 children dying from preventable diseases every minute. When will Australia finally do its fair share as a global citizen and really help Make Poverty History?

This is the central question that Oxfam (as part of the Make Poverty History coalition) has been putting to politicians from all sides of politics during this election year.

On 9 June 2010, in the federal seat of Dickson, Make Poverty History held an electoral forum and asked the current sitting member Peter Dutton (LP), and challenger, Fiona McNamara (ALP), to give us their vision on ending global poverty. Specifically, we were interested – as were the local residents that attended – as to when Australia would do its fair share and commit 0.7% of our National Income in overseas aid?

If you live in the seat of Dickson please take action to let Peter Dutton and Fiona McNamara know that Every Minute Counts and that you want action to Make Poverty History.