Every child deserves to go to school. But right now, too many girls across Malawi and Zimbabwe are facing barriers that halt their education. These barriers include discrimination, poverty, child marriage, gender-based violence and an unfair share of unpaid care and domestic work.
If a girl can finish her education, she’s more likely to grow up and find safe, secure employment, influence decision making in her home and her community, and live free of poverty.
In partnership with the Judith Neilson Foundation, Oxfam is investing in girls’ education in Malawi and Zimbabwe to create safe and inclusive learning environments for adolescent girls, young women, and other children in vulnerable situations.
By working alongside governments and local communities, Oxfam is rolling out essential learning resources, improving access to sexual and reproductive health services, installing girl-friendly toilets, and establishing social support networks for mothers and girls.
The project will also work with students, teachers, communities, policy makers and local leaders to challenge the harmful gender norms that force girls out of school, helping to dismantle barriers to girls’ education long after the project ends.
Oxfam’s approach challenges and changes the conditions that limit girls’ educational opportunities, working towards a more equal world where no one has to live in poverty.