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Photo: Ben Adams/OxfamAUS

Doesn’t Adidas know we have families?

English / Bahasa
My parents are in their sixties now. They are subsistence farmers, but since they don’t own enough land to support themselves, they also work as farm labourers. I should be looking after them, sending them money for their everyday needs. It’s not like they are office workers who retire to a pension. If I had work, I could support my parents and they could live out their old age in peace.

Adidas must know that its workers are also trying to support other people. Every son, every daughter, has a duty to help support their elderly parents and their families. I’m sure that Adidas knows that its workers wages are not just used to support those workers but are used to support elderly parents and families.

Spending time with our families is also important. Since I lost my job, I have spent my Lebaran holidays alone in Jakarta. Prices have gone up everywhere, but during Lebaran everything is three times as expensive. I can’t afford to travel home to be with my family, even though Lebaran (like Christmas) is the time of year when families come together. Each time it comes around I just feel hopeless and have no idea where to go. I just felt so miserable alone in Jakarta. So I always pray that for next year I will have work and money to travel home and celebrate with my family.

Send a message to Suparjo…

Suparjo would love to hear your views on the situation faced by factory workers in Indonesia and elsewhere. He is also happy to answer any of your questions. But please be patient as it may take him a few days to respond.

Note: The content of this blog is produced by and reflects the personal views of individuals, including workers and union leaders based in Indonesia. The views expressed in this blog are therefore individual views and do not necessarily represent the view or position of and are not endorsed by Oxfam Australia. Further the purpose of this blog is to assist in providing a platform for individuals, including workers and union leaders based in Indonesia to communicate directly with the public and no representation is made as to the accuracy of the information. The information contained in this blog is provided only for educational purposes, and blog topics may or may not be updated subsequent to their initial posting.

Related Indonesian Blog – Blog yang terkait: Bahasa Indonesia

Adidas mesti tahu: buruh mempunyai keluarga

Umur orang tua saya sudah di atas 60 tahun. Saya ingin membantu mereka, mengirim uang untuk keperluan sehari-harinya. Mereka bukan pegawai yang tetap mendapatkan gaji (pension), orang tua saya petani, dan sawahnya pun tidak cukup, jadi kegiatannya perlu ditambah dengan bekerja sebagai buruh tani. Saya sedih memikirkan kondisi ekonomi orang tua saya yang miskin.

Saya rasa adidas pasti tahu bahwa buruhnya bekerja tidak hanya untuk menghidupi diri sendiri tetapi juga sebagai tanggung jawab kepada orang tua dan saudaranya. Setiap anak mempunyai kewajiban untuk membantu orang tuanya dan keluarganya. Saya yakin adidas tahu bahwa gaji yang diterima oleh buruh di pabrik dipakai untuk menghidupi orang tua dan keluarga.

Selain menghidupi keluarga, berkumpul dengan keluarga juga penting. Sejak di-PHK dari Panarub, saya lebaran sendirian di Jakarta. Waktu lebaran, ongkos naik sampai tiga kali. Saya tidak punya cukup uang untuk pulang kampung. Saya sempat bingung dan nangis: kenapa saya terpaksa lebaran sendirian? Padahal seharusnya saya pulang ke orang tua, membawa oleh-oleh sedikit. Saya tidak bisa. Saya sedih, kerena Lebaran itu semestinya adalah waktu berkumpul dengan keluarga. Iya, Lebaran sendirian di Jakarta itu sedih. Saya selalu berdoa agar saya bisa dapat pekerjaan. Kalau saya sudah bekerja, pas lebaran saya bisa pulang kampung dan merayakan Idul Fitri bersama keluarga saya.

Baca ceritaku

Dukung kasus Suwandi. Ingatkan adidas untuk menhargai buruh yang membuat produknya.

Kirim surat kepada adidas

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